Don't suggest doing it myself, because I don't like using myself for a guinea pig.
I got nothing then. I only know from do-it-yourself hair stuff. I only use semi-perms but, unlike Raq's, my white hairs take the dye. But they fade faster than the rest.
But still somehow it said "baseball."
Perhaps it was the fit I nearly threw? Not really for the loss of the pitcher which dribbled but because I had just spent a couple of days on my knees cleaning the kitchen floor. (I associate baseball with temper tantrums. I don't actually know why.)
glad Minnasota girl got stuff back, it makes life easier
Poor SDH - he keeps thinking I am going to get sick like last year, but really last year I was too sick to bitch
I'm about to go take a bath. I am splurging in my last days here and using all my cool bath stuff.
Tonight? Herbal bath tea in a huge bag. That exploded.
So I will have to rinse off me and the tub afterwards.
I've got those almondy Lush bubbles waiting for me. Almond seemed soothing or something.
and then this evening some guy knocked on her door and let her know the contents of her wallet (except for cash and bus pass) were scattered all over his lawn...she's v. excited by that, even though it's kinda useless now.
That's good news! When my purse was stolen years ago, I kept hoping they'd discard things where someone would find them. I lost my first driver's license, my UCLA ID and other things that I would have kept as sentimental/scrapbook items.
Grumble. Went to bed at 11 p.m., woke up at 2:30, hungry enough to force me out of my cozy bed and into a search for edibles. Went to bed early because I got a backrub at the bar that loosened me up enough to put me in pain, and since I wasn't drinking, I decided home was a better option.
Sheesh, juliana, hope you were able to get some rest, and some relief from the pain.
I'm awake. No, really. I'm awake. See coffee.