I hope Owen gets past the pukes soon, Cash.
Steph, I hope you find an antibiotic that works for you soon.
Go beth's DH with the possible new job situation!
Has anyone here ever heard of/done Nia? It's supposed to be a combo of dance, yoga, and martial arts, and it's being offered in my town. I'm kind of interested, but the description I found at http://www.nia-nia.com/ hints at stuff that may be a little too "breathing through your eye-lids" for me. Does anyone know if it's a good workout for those who like yoga and aikido?
Isn't it the funniest foamiest cookbook evah??!!
I think I am going to look like an abused, and possibly asphyxiated, crack whore by the end of the day. But my kitchen floor? She shall sparkle.
I am obviously going to need to drink the KoolAid and get a carpet cleaner before I leave as well. Which sucks because they are just going to have to replace the carpeting anyway. But it should be clean old skanky carpet when I leave so I can pretend there is any way in hell I am getting my deposit back.
But the kitchen floor? About half of it is spotless and shiny. Which is really cool.
I want my cookbook now Now NOW! Also my dvds as I have Profit-y goodness on its way.
For those of you who don't have LJ, P-Cow just announced he got the medical writer job and will be moving to the Bay Area.
Yaaaaaay P-C! The Bay Area just gets foamier and foamier. (And it was pretty nifty to begin with.)
Excellent news, (if you're lurky) P-C!