Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I was surprised to find I liked slash the first time I read it. Not out of any prejudice, but because I'd never been exposed to it before. I must have bumped into someone who wrote it particularly well (read, HAWT.)
But for me, I've got such a preference for certain pairings, that to see either one of my preferred pair with someone else (wheter het or slash) is just a huge resounding "no" in my head. Although, I have been made to like Buffy/Giles because of the way that particular author wrote them.
I think the most intriguing pairing (actually, a threesome) that I've run across is mydeira's and sadbhyl's OTT of Joyce/Giles/Ethan Rayne. Very hot and an interesting rewrite of Buffy seasons 4-6 (so far.)
Word, Plei. Although I still resist RPF of all stripes except obvious parody.
Where as I fell down that particular rabbit hole a while back, never to return. (Of course, mine was fueled by a combination of political outrage, desire to squick spouse, and the sure knowledge that most complaints about RPF vanish when it's RPF about highly unattractive war criminals.)
I've touched a bit of popslash as a writer, but mostly for shits and giggles.
But for me, I've got such a preference for certain pairings, that to see either one of my preferred pair with someone else (wheter het or slash) is just a huge resounding "no" in my head.
Which pairings?
But for me, I've got such a preference for certain pairings, that to see either one of my preferred pair with someone else (wheter het or slash) is just a huge resounding "no" in my head.
Which pairings?
Not Sail, but -- Dick/Tim, ONLY on the Dick side. I just don't want to see Dick with anyone but Tim, while Tim can whore it up with at least 4 other characters (one of whom is actually a woman).
Not Sail, but -- Dick/Tim, ONLY on the Dick side. I just don't want to see Dick with anyone but Tim, while Tim can whore it up with at least 4 other characters (one of whom is actually a woman).
Which I find totally funny, because the ONLY place where I have to repress any irrational shipper instincts is... err... Dick/Babs. *cough*I'mtryingtonotbeacrazyshipper*cough*
And, like you, for some reason, it really only applies to Dick (because I firmly believe that Babs Needs Nookie Sans Angst). Of course, me being me, there are exceptions, like, well... Dick/Roy.
Because really, when *canon* comments on it?
(Though my issues with Dickshipping have more to do with Dick REALLY needing to Not Date for a fair amount of time for his own mental health than anything else.)
Heh. I'm a big ole Spuffy fan, I can hardly read of Buffy with anyone else and if you put Spike with anyone other than Buffy, except temporarily, I could do violence. Although, if it's a fic where either Buffy or Spike have been taken out of the picture entirely (death, whatever), it doesn't bother me too much as long as the pairing is believable.
Otherwise, I can't honestly think of any other canon pairing that it bugs me to see split up. I suspect that is because there's so much Spuffy out there for me to play with, that I don't have time to develop an interest in another OTP.
I do like threesomes, though. If someone adds a third to a pairing, that can make me sit up and take notice. Sally Bradstreet started a Spike/Wesley/Buffy threesome that she hasn't finished. I am bummed, it was getting very good.
The only pairing I tend to get a bit irrational about is Fraser/Ray K.
It's times like this that I wish more of you were into anime, because some of the m/m pairings there are much fun. My current OTP (from Tokyo Babylon/X) is Seishirou/Subaru. Those crazy boys make S6 Spuffy look emotionally healthy by comparison.
For male/male pairings, I've discovered a Giles/Gil Grissom (crossover with CSI, post "The Gift") WIP that I'm getting a huge kick out of.
Anne, unfortunately, I'm not a fan of anime. I do like some graphic novels, though. I should start looking around for Sandman and Fables fic.
There are only a few pairings that I don't like to see broken up - Fraser/Ray K and John/Aeryn, off the top of my head. But I will read more or less anything. Except that is, for RPF and LotR. Apparently, there are lines even
won't cross. Who knew?
And I still see Giles as far too much of a Dad figure to be in any way comfortable reading him with a penis. I do realise that that's just me, though.
For male/male pairings, I've discovered a Giles/Gil Grissom (crossover with CSI, post "The Gift") WIP that I'm getting a huge kick out of.
Link? Please?
Also, when I say 'anime', I generally mean 'manga' (Japanese equivalent of graphic novels). Sloppy diction on my part.
The story so far. It's called Isolated Elements. She's written quite a bit of different Giles fic. There's even a crossover with Quantum Leap that pairs Sam Becket (in the guise of Ethan/Wesley/Spike) with Giles.
I have no problem visualizing Giles with a penis. But, then, I am 47 years old. Giles is just my type. Plus, it's not like they portrayed him as dried and shriveled on the show. He had relationships with a variety of women, so it's fine by me to see him getting it on in fic.