It's not as bad as thin orange text over electric blue, which I have seen before. I hope it's an indication that the website owner sees only in black and white, like a cat.
Which might explain the quality of the writing, now that I think on it.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
It's not as bad as thin orange text over electric blue, which I have seen before. I hope it's an indication that the website owner sees only in black and white, like a cat.
Which might explain the quality of the writing, now that I think on it.
although if you read heavily in one pairing, one story starts looking like another after a while
Wordy ibn Word.
I think the way the story gets presented affects the amount of sex in it, too -- if it was written in full and only then "published", then the flow is different than if it's written in bits that get posted to lj as they're ready.
I've discovered I can't PWP. I think I will and then it gets all deep.
Oh wow, Anne Rice is now venturing into writing sorta- Real Person Fic about Jesus.
Won't look! Won't look! Ack, Matt.
My feeling on shalott's story is that one of fandom's best writers posted a 45,000 word story in the pairing I'm into. I'm shutting up and being grateful.
Works for me. Actually, it didn't, but I'm glad it did for you. I think it's because I just don't care enough. Whereas I did cartwheels of joy when Shalott posted those two OT4s in SG-1.
He was a successful business tycoon, art lover extraordinaire, heir to an even more enormous fortune that the one he augmented with his work ethic, and even mentally and physically Michael did not need to be improved. Yes, Michael was a focused man full of purpose and again, a man who hated surprises, did not believe in instincts, repudiated aberrations and rejected free will.
Uh, yeah, that's Michael. Rejecter of free will. Until Nikita arrives to save him with bad French!
Enter the beautiful Nikita with her easy laughter, her rebellious streak, her impetuousness, her lack of restraint and her penchant for life and the orderly Michael lost his course. He fell in love with the beautiful woman, with her essence of spirit, with her effervescent style, with her enormous heart and her unremitting passion. And Michael Samuelle was improved, like Walter knew he would be by the light that was Nikita; the man who hated surprises now craved the blonde’s ebullient impulsive joie de vie.
Could be worse. She could be saving him with bad Greek.
I'm just unimpressed when there are no golf carts, frankly.
Yeah, this is the one where Michael is Gaugin's secret heir. Doesn't have quite the same ring, I admit. Apparently the golf cart one has finally been finished, although the chapters got eaten in a board hiccup. I'll be on the lookout for it.