Read my lips: No. More. Tongue. Duels. Unless there are actual tongue-swords or tongue-guns.
Oh, yes. Absolutely.
Vonnie, I feel your pain.
'Bring On The Night'
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Read my lips: No. More. Tongue. Duels. Unless there are actual tongue-swords or tongue-guns.
Oh, yes. Absolutely.
Vonnie, I feel your pain.
Yeah, the misspelling of "grammar" gets me every time. It's like irony from on high.
In other news, why is SGA having a flamewar over Rodney? And why is it slopping over onto my flist? Go away! Shoo!
In other news, why is SGA having a flamewar over Rodney?
I didn't know about it, then I saw something at Merry's LJ (which was about something else), then made a mistake of following the trail and... oy.
I like SGA and all, but when did it stop being a cute and kind of awkward yet promising sister show to SG-1 and get itself transformed to this year's Smallville?
Oh, do tell. Is it the whole "McKay is sexy/no he's not" argument?
...ha. The entry's friendslocked now. That was fast.
I actually didn't read enough to get the details, because it was clearly one of those OMG That Bitch! exchanges and while I'm all in favor of folks having that kind of conversation backchannel I really don't enjoy reading them myself. Something about Shalott's story, I think, and whether Rodney was being an asshole in 48 Hours. Or something.
Shalott's story was the first of her SG universe stories I didn't love to death, I think in part for some of the reasons other people have stated elsewhere. Also possibly because the quality of the writing didn't overwhelm my extreme t shrug about the characters. And the plot kept getting derailed by sex scenes.
At least to me.
I haven't read shalott's latest--I did like her previous SGA story a lot, but that was funny, well-plotted with the sex at the end that made sense. Maybe I'll give it a miss then.
And the plot kept getting derailed by sex scenes.
Heh. That was my problem with Iolokus--good plot, lovely writing, but by book 3, I was just sick of all the sex.
It's funny -- they don't tell you that when you become a BOFQ you start skimming the sex scenes. *g*
Hee. Sad but true.
Katie, are you around on YIM? I may need to bounce some ideas off you...