Although you'll note I couldn't quite get to Jack/Harry. Well, let me rephrase: Harry couldn't quite get there, since Jack threatened to shoot him.
Poor Harry.
And yes, Shrift's SN 5 Things will break you into tiny little pieces. Gah.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Although you'll note I couldn't quite get to Jack/Harry. Well, let me rephrase: Harry couldn't quite get there, since Jack threatened to shoot him.
Poor Harry.
And yes, Shrift's SN 5 Things will break you into tiny little pieces. Gah.
Holy @#$@#$@#.
Persians, Hephaistion decided, must be born color-blind. There was no other way of accounting for the garish display of wrapping paper, streamers and party favors the palace eunuchs had set out for the little prince’s first birthday.
Hephaistion, who always resisted the party favors Alexandros tried to foist on him, recoiled at the sight of their son in a gilded pink party hat in the conical Persian fashion
Oh, just one more...
“Fuck you,” muttered Hephaistion. It had taken him six months of intense training to get his body back to the lean hardness it had had before the pregnancy, and three more to where he could have sex without obsessing over his sutures or imagined stretch marks. If he had to endure one more remark about his thighs, he was going to kill somebody.
runs screaming from the thread into the night...
Jesus, Betsy, warn a person. Sheesh.
Ohdeargod, Betsy. Where the hell did you find that?
t checks link without clicking Ah, I see. So much for the people who say LJ is where the good fic is...
Somebody linked to it on A.J. Hall's comment page.
Well, that's... wrong. At least it's well-spelled, I suppose.
What does it say about me that I'm actually somewhat more bothered by The Persians Do First Birthday Parties With Streamers And Party Hats than by Hephaistion Gets Pregnant? Probably that I've been in fandom too long, I suppose.
Oddly, the part that's bothering me is that I don't think Hephaistion would have known what colour-blindness was.
googles Yes; John Dalton is credited with discovering/describing it in 1794 or thereabouts.
That's interesting, Am.