Simon and River are pretty much the only sibling relationship that I've seen that vibed so strongly that I actually sought out CSI. The rest of the popular fandom sibling pairing--Eowyn/Eomer, all kinds of HP twincest, Shannon/Boone on Lost--I don't really see the subtext at all.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
My eyes, my eyes! I just got into reading what appeared to be a good Harry/Draco fic when I discovered it was an mpreg. I have avoided these like the plague cause I just don't see the appeal. This story had no warning, and it did not become apparent until a few chapters in.
Where is the brain bleach?!?!?
Continuing the theme of "kinks I don't really get"...
Next someone needs to post about wingfic.
Not sure I want to know.
I'm still pissed. I liked the way the story started, and I admit I am hooked, but not enough to read mpreg. Bleh. Double Bleh. Bleh with with worms and toads and more bleh.
Wingfic is, er, fic where people grow wings, or just have wings, inexplicably. At least that's my understanding of it, never having read it myself. I hear it was very popular in popslash.
Maybe we need to start a wingfic challenge, the way the Bad Elf stories swept LJ fandom a few years back. Those were FUN.
I wonder if I still have my D'Argo-is-an-Elf story on my blog somewhere...
Wingfic always made me say "huh", followed shortly by "but why?". MPREG, otoh, is sickbadwrong. Totally different vibe.
Farscape had canonical MPREG and it was fucking great!
Okay, I'm penciling in "inappropriate wingfic challenge" for this spring sometime. Gotta do Yuletide first.
The mind is an odd thing. I have no problem reading about rough anal sex, but even the hint of mpreg and BLEH.
Off to seek more Draco fic...