Wah. Brain hurty. There are some crossovers that just should not happen, and Al/RayV is one of them.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Te's take on what Spike's been up to in "Conversations with Dead People". (Spoilers for CwDP) I recall people asking for Spike/Holden a while back, which Te delves into here with her characteristic flair. The story's been Jossed by this week's episode, but I think it still holds pretty well.
Could someone tell me how this is? I'm curious about the talent applied to the task of Eminem/Krycek slash, but I have the whole RPS thing that means I can't judge.
Damn, I'm pathetic.
Someone rec me some smut, STAT.
Not one of you has smut to rec?
Hmm. What kind of smut?
Don't care!
Not especially picky-feeling today, as I found myself reading Xander/Riley last night.
Which she read to me, further scarring my poor mind.
Which she read to me, further scarring my poor mind.
Only the loofa bits! I was trying to cure your insomnia!
Well, Te has updated her rec page about a week ago. There's gotta be some good smut there if you don't mind browsing for a bit.