During their last night in Paradis Nikita and Michael consummated their love for each other in the most enjoyable of fashions – repeatedly. They gave each other the pleasures of the gods, a constant supply of perfectly timed passion. They received from one another the luxury that exclusively comes with voluptuous rapture, a kind of perfection achieved only in fairy tales and dime-store novels. From the crepuscule of their final evening to the aurora of their initial morn, they held each other in a storybook way, arms and legs, hands and feet, toes and fingers undistinguishable from the others. Michael and Nikita would be one throughout eternity.
In case you were wondering.
Michael and Nikita would be one throughout eternity.
That sounds... inconvenient.
it when I can't tell mine and DH's fingers and toes apart....
a kind of perfection achieved only in fairy tales and dime-store novels.
And, apparently, badfic.
From the crepuscule of their final evening to the aurora of their initial morn
Now they're time-travellers too?
Nikita and Michael consummated their love for each other in the most enjoyable of fashions – repeatedly
Quantity over quality, then? That would be in keeping with this writer's MO.
Are dime-store novels really known for romantic perfection, by the way?
Are dime-store novels really known for romantic perfection, by the way?
Compared to the fic writer under discussion? Yes.
Usually they do have The Perfect Sex. Because when you're in love, you always come together.
Dean Koontz wrote a book (I'm blanking on the title) about a town where people had been genetically altered by a Bill Gates type person. The altering made it so people didn't sleep, healed fast, and some devolved into animal type things and others evolved to interact with their computers in wrong wrong ways.
The devolving people ran around, had an orgy, and then melded together into a giant blob that tried to eat everything into the town by luring people to it (the blob) with some kind of mind rays.
Which, except for the town eating, sounds exactly like what the writer described. NikitaNMicheal...Blob o' Doom.