Drabblers are on fire over at the Wednesday 100 -- I think that the challenge was a letter.
Buffy ,'Dirty Girls'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
My friend E has discovered SG1 Jack/Sam fanfic all on her own. She says she found stuff by putting in "jack sam stargate" as a search.
I'm not sure what stories she read but she said some were good and some sucked. I said that's pretty much how it goes. In my lj I asked for suggestions and got a few good ones so I'm going to email her links.
Don't forget to give her links to Nanda and Nostalgia, askye. And Bright Shiny Objects has some good Stargate recs, although they rec gen, het, and slash.
I sent her links to Nanda and Bright Shiny Objects. I think I mentioned Nostalgia.
When I see her again I'm going to start pestering her about what she thought.
Rheanna wrote some nice gen SG:1 stories, iirc
Oh my GOD.
Have you read Rats' Alley, by Fabula Rassa? Have you read it?
I'm all - man, I'm like Religious Conversion girl. My God. So. Damned. Good. HP fanfic, plotty plotty plotty, wonderfully in character, really, quite the best Snape I can remember reading, and it's Snape/Black. And Snape's a vampire. And this works quite astonishingly well.
My God. I'm all - I want to hug someone. That was such a good story. Damn.
The friend I was asking Sam/Jack recs for just emailed me.
She wants more. So when I'm over there next I'm going to show her how to find more stuff.
Askye, I compiled a list of Stargate fic rec pages here, if it helps.
Warning, though: Versaphile is so old that many or most of the links are broken. BSO and/or Crack_Van may be your best bets so far.
Consuela thanks so much!
I think I've just been flamed. Technically.
The e-mail says:
If there are positive emotions (doesn't need to be love/like is ok) it's erotica. Just nasty manipulative sex is porn. I wouldn't even call this a Spike/Xander pairing, and I wish you hadn't represented it as such. But now I know you're a prn writer, I can avoid your junk.
But there's no indication of what story it's about, where she found it, anything. I've googled the e-mail address and it doesn't turn anything up, but that needn't mean anything, just that she (the e-mail header has a female name) hasn't used it on an open site.
I'm curiously not upset by being told my work is junk, mostly because she's clearly got some very odd standards. But I'd be interested to know how this matches up to other people's experiences in fandom, because in my (fairly limited) experience of flames, it's unique both in tone and in having only one mis-spelling.