Ah. Thanks for the clarification.
'Out Of Gas'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Heh. I actually read that article, but I guess I skipped that bit. Thank you!
Okay, this is just excellent. Bless. Bless. Bless. Bless. Bless. I am utterly disarmed. It's like cheese and jam - not the most obvious combination, but by God, it works.
I know. Snape/Hagrid is one of my more way out OTPs-- they fit together so well! It all makes sense, somehow.
The Multiverse 2004 ficathon is done and the stories are posted here. Some of them are good, some not so much. As one might expect.
But if you're in the mood to see John Crichton snark at Jack O'Neill, or Aeryn Sun kick Mal Reynold's ass, this is the place to find it.
Ehh, so. We finally got around to updating Bright Shiny Objects, almost a month late.
Man, I'm all plotzed that august is writing Buffy. Her way with words just kills me. The apocalyptic Buffy/Giles? Blew my mind. I mean, it's Buffy/Giles! Who knew?
Whoever did the rec for August was right on, Vonnie. Any fandom that gets August is lucky.
And thank you or whomever for the kind words about my stuff. It's really nice of you, and I appreciate the effort to keep up with all the fic.
Any fandom that gets August is lucky.
Oh yeah. Christine recc'd her first two stories, then we got really behind in updating (mainly because I was such a lazy-ass) then we both read august's latest, and we were all, "Holy shit! I know we've already got two of her fic in this update, but we can't possibly *not* include this." The elegant lyricism of her writing is marvelous. Just as beautiful as JET's or Sal's prose, but in a different way.
And thank you or whomever for the kind words about my stuff.
You're very welcome! They were terrific stories. I didn't get to read BI until a couple of weeks ago, and was particularly struck by how smoothly the FS characters mapped onto those of Casablanca. Especially Braca as Renault--that was brilliant.
was particularly struck by how smoothly the FS characters mapped onto those of Casablanca.
Fi and I had a lot of fun plotting that out, particularly Braca and Rygel. Heee.
Sigh. The lastest chapter of Reposession is up. She's tying up all the loose ends and setting up the big finish. Too bad she didn't put some clues to the "big revelations" in a bit sooner, I wouldn't be rolling my eyes so much. And I called the Big Revelation weeks and weeks ago. Sigh again. I didn't even finish the chapter. We get the point, Laz, it's all connected, they're all family, have been for centuries, how wonderful to belong to each other.. This is two chapters you've spent on repeating and repeating it.