I hope it's Mulder.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Why have I suddenly lost all interest in meta? Seriously, up until a few months ago or so I was neutral to fascinated, but all of a sudden every time it comes through I think "oh, crap, not again." Honestly, I'm starting to feel anti-intellectual. Or possibly like an inhabitant of New Haven. (There was a study done in New Haven, CT, which revealed that some huge percentage of New Haven residents--I don't remember what it was, but well over half--had been part of a Yale-initiated research study in the previous year.)
Because you feel like you've seen it all?
Sigh. Yeah, probably. Makes me feel unkind to forever be thinking "oh, for fuck's sake, who cares?" though. Oh well.
I've never worried about meta. My literary criteria has always been "Did I enjoy it?". When people point out meta things, I can see them, but I very rarely see them for myself.
I think most people hit that point with meta talk. I did. It's not that I don't find the topics themselves interesting, but I have very little that's new to say, and most people don't have anything new to say, so I'm pretty content to go off and read new fic instead.
Why have I suddenly lost all interest in meta?
Because when fandom talks about itself, it stops producing anything other than endless essays about fandom and becomes really hella boring?
Well, I used to be interested, though. It's just in the past five or six months that I've started feeling the desperate urge to jump up and down saying "fandom is not your thesis!" (Which is, of course, often incorrect.)
Eh, whatever. I'm having a moody week anyway.
It's gotta be Mulder. Logan would, like, drink too much and not follow doctor's orders...and I'm thinking about this, why?
Well, I used to be interested, though. It's just in the past five or six months that I've started feeling the desperate urge to jump up and down saying "fandom is not your thesis!" (Which is, of course, often incorrect.)
Tastes get conflated with beliefs too often for my comfort in meta discussion, so I'm down with a firm "whatev" at the moment.