I have a friend that wants to watch some good fan vids, of any type. (she's in it for the art.) Any recommendation for excellent vidder sites, or compilation sites, or, well, anywhere she could watch some good ones?
'Out Of Gas'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I second that question. 'Specially in relation to Angel/Lindsey vids - I so so so want to see a good Angel/Lindsey vid. Or, well, hell, actually any Angel/Lindsey vid.
I can't help with Angel/Lindsey, but here's the link I posted over in Natter. It includes a list of recs pages, among other things.
For Angel/Lindsey, you want sisabet's "Last Stand in Open Country". The link isn't up on her site, I think because she recently remastered it, but it's available here.
Because - gah. Gah. Gah. One of my Top Shaggable Ginger Blokes, he is.
Yes. Damian Lewis may also be my favourite ginger, and I am very, very fond of gingers. Well, somebody has to be.
I wasn't so fond of Band of Brothers. I watched the first few but never really got into it. I first saw him in a one-off called Warriors a few years ago, which was some of the best tv I have ever seen as well as being very tasty. Ioan Gruffudd was also in it, so yes, very tasty.
I loved Damian Lewis in Band of Brothers. But, the best looking guy in that series was the medic. Best impersonation of the real soldier was by the guy who played the Italian from South Philly, nicknamed Gonorrhea (Guarini? something like that)--if you watch the documentary We Stand Alone Together, you can see how the actor just nailed the performance, even though we're seeing the man 60 years later.
I've discovered the most amazing Spike/Xander story. "Thirst" by Carolyn Claire. It should have been filmed in black and white by Rod Serling and shown in the great old days of "Twilight Zone."
guy who played the Italian from South Philly, nicknamed Gonorrhea (Guarini? something like that)
I don't remember the real person's name, but the actor is Frank John Hughes, who is from South Philly, so that would be part of why he was good at it. Actually I don't think he can turn that accent off.
The other guy who came from South Philly was played by a redhead with pale skin and came from, like, Edinburgh. Entertainingly head-spinny.
IMDB says that Frank John Hughes is from the Bronx.
Shockingly there is no picture of Shane Taylor who plays the medic.