I cannot promise that all will be rosy in the garden of shag, because who the hell DOES have a trouble free relationship with someone they got together with in High School? Especially under such trying circumstances. But there's liable to be snoggage and shaggage aplenty, some of which will involve Harry and Draco. And lots and lots and lots of plot. I'm plot-tastic right now. Neville, Justin, Snape, Hagrid, Hermione, Ron, Viktor, Charlie Weasley...all these folks and more are elbowing their way determinedly into the storyline. Also several OCs.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
all these folks and more are elbowing their way determinedly into the storyline.
Well, darn it. t contemplates some way to express just how little disappointment is present at the thought
Hee -- there is a B/A vs. B/S fan kerfuffle happening on the review pages for Nancy Holder's Heat, A BVTS/ATS crossover novel.
Fay, I loved Invisible to See, and am very, very excited about a sequel. Especially Justin. Pretty, pretty Justin. In my brain, he's Jonathan Rhys-Meyers. Do you cast the characters as you write? Or are they faceless freaks?
Fay, I'll read whatever it is you write, because it'll be marvelous. But I should point out that I don't so much have an OTP thing (in fact, I don't even have a favored pairing in that fandom, which now that I think about it is shocking for me) -- I just find myself worried that Draco will find their sex life awfully bland after the wildly kinky Justin. And that breaks the heart of the romantic in me, because after all, true love can be kinky too!
In fact, that's my new motto. I may start a teen movement: True Love Kinks!
It worries me too, actually. There's an awful lot stacked up against them, and I'm frankly surprised that they've managed to remain a couple for the nearly-three years that pass between Invisible to See and This Rough Magic.
However, a fresh-out-of-gaol Justin, and a dashing Napoleon Solo-type older man, promise to make my boys' relationship that much more...interesting. Yes.
rubs hands in an Eeeevil fashion while her characters quake in the corner.
(Also? Am blushing madly. And considering stealing True Love Kinks as my new tagline)
Emily, have you tried FearlessDiva's fabulous Tissue of Silver? I'm terribly, terribly fond of it. And indeed Fearless Diva - she's a gem, and, heaven help me, she knows my kink buttons better than I do. Yep. Gah.
Jars, thank you! And no, they aren't faceless freaks! No no no! This is Ron and This is Hermione, while of course you must know The lovely Draco, and of course Harry and my dear Justin. I haven't yet cast Neville, actually, although I made HackThis an icon at her urging showing a rather lovely young man cast in the role, and I could be persuaded to embrace him into my cast. Possibly.
Meanwhile, I need to cast Charlie Weasley and Viktor Krum. Hmm. I'm considering Damian Lewis for the role of Charlie Weasley. Because - gah. Gah. Gah. One of my Top Shaggable Ginger Blokes, he is. And I'm so chuffed that his career is flourishing nicely - always good to see Brits being cast as Americans in American movies.
Which leaves Viktor. Hmm. Suggestions welcome, actually.
Fay, have you cast Rhind Tutt as anything? He's very pretty.
Gah. Damien Lewis as Charlie... Fay, you're going to break me. I just know it. Especially if, as I suspect, Draco has rapidly and skillfully introduced Harry to some of those kinky things he did with Justin. And I will second connie's "darn it", with accompanying sentiment. I'm longing to see what you do with Snape. (Also I must remember to read and feedback your kissing snippets. They're on my to-read list but people keep distracting me with Sirius/Remus and Giles/Ethan.)
Oddly enough, a friend just made me an icon for an XF story I'm writing, in which she cast Damian Lewis as Charlie Scully.
Fannish synchronicity!
Now I should go rent Band of Brothers, since I have never seen the man in action.
You should see Band of Brothers, because although I didn't catch all of it, it was BLOODY good telly. Really was. Top notch. And he's smashing in it.
...must confess, though, that it's not wholly Fannish synchronicity. I mean, I'd had him in the back of my head as one of the older Weasleys way the hell back when, having ruled him out for Ron, but I'd not thought about casting all of this new stuff until a day or two ago when I was reading about your X Files WIP series, and noticed Damian in the icon, and thought "Oh yeah. You're Charlie Weasley." I'd happened across a movie starring him earlier in the week, so he was on my mind, but -- yeah. (Will be reading your Big Epic Thing some time soon, I suspect. I've not plunged headlong into X Files Fic because of the big honkin' gaps in my canon knowledge, which I find frustrating. But I do love the show very much indeed. Yes. And it's a source of quiet satisfaction to know that there's a whole shedload of Very Good Fic out there, waiting for me.)
'Course, this leaves me wondering who the hell I can have as Bill Weasley. I suppose he doesn't HAVE to be a natural red head, but... hmph.
Ita, you're right, I do need to cast Rhind Tutt. I'm not sure as whom, but I shall keep him in mind. Meanwhile I'm considering the lovely Mr Cumming for Viktor Krum. I think he'd do it beautifully.