AHHH!! Off to read.
'Smile Time'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
This is the most recent section of a WiP, so maybe I shouldn't be reccing it, but I was so delighted I just had to share:
Martha wrote Jack O'Neill/Wesley Wyndam-Price.
Oh, man. Nikita writer is back with a bang. Or a thud.
The Prince walked proudly, his graceful steps echoing in the mostly empty space, while the silent gait of the pretty blonde besides him was faultlessly feminine and innately staid.
Michael finally disabled whatever listening device could be found in the area and turned to Nikita, tenderly holding both her hands in his, it had been months since he had tried to make psychical contact with her.
“I must pledge my outmost ability to the rebuilding of the planet, put aside all my needs and wants…”
Sir Birkoff bowed almost in-perceivably
He was a stranger and in self consolation thought of a Billy Joel song lyric, ‘… we all have a face that we hide away forever and we take them out and show ourselves when everyone has gone…they're the faces of the stranger but we love to try them on…’
Nikita smiled internally this time, the old song her great grandmother sang to help the child sleep was so appropriate for this man and wondered if it had been just as appropriate for Michael’s great grandfather too?
In an unusual silent show of support and caring and absolutely not minding the watchers who were surely there by now, Prince Michael searched for Nikita’s hand and gave it a tiny squeeze, as the New York piano man played quietly in the recesses of their mind...
Dana, put down the bad fic and walk away.
Or is this going to take an intervention?
Are you kidding? This is the most I've laughed in a while.
I think it's the image of a tiny Billy Joel that really pushes it over the edge.
I think it's the image of a tiny Billy Joel that really pushes it over the edge.
Tea on my monitor AGAIN. I'm laughing almost as hard as I was this morning when Te put a mental image of Batman saying, "OMG, Best Friends 4Evah!!!1!" in my head...
...and thinking about said mental image has set me off again. Well, I guess I didn't need that last cup of tea, anyway.
You know, I like Billy Joel. He's pretty cool. But I don't think I'd sing Billy Joel songs to my great grandchildren.
On the other hand, by the time I had grandchildren I might well be singing them Barnacle Bill the Sailor. Still. Billy Joel? "Rock-a-bye, little baby, they got a deep shag carpet and a couple of paintings from Sears..."
I know. And I don't think the one she cited means what she thinks it means either.
A tiny Billy Joel?
t /Vizzini
I have a question. A bit of a long question, so bear with me (also, I posted about this in my LJ, so if you read that, feel free to skip this), but I'm interested in opinions.
I recently read a fic that I really liked, by a person who I don't think likes me and my first impulse was to send feedback. But I hesitated because I wondered if this person would appreciate it, coming from me. And I don't want to stir up old, hard feelings or anything.
(Brief backstory: I'm a member of fandom_wank, and I know this person doesn't like f_w. I don't know if she doesn't like me *personally* - I don't even know if she knows who I am, but if she does identify me as a f_w member, chances are she doesn't like me.)
So, what do you all think? As writers, would you want feedback from someone you don't like? As readers, would you send feedback to someone you don't think likes you?