And then there's Thrillkiller.
Thrillkiller is pretty, and hits one of my bulletproof Bruce kinks, so therefore it is good and right.
'Our Mrs. Reynolds'
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
And then there's Thrillkiller.
Thrillkiller is pretty, and hits one of my bulletproof Bruce kinks, so therefore it is good and right.
Thrillkiller hits my bulletproof Babs kinks.
So, yeah.
In Darkest Night was hysterical.
Wasn't it? Though it made me completely mess up my Green Lantern Oath for a week.
What did you think of Nine Lives?
I have it, and haven't read it yet. Who wrote it?
Dean Motter. It's possible it might hit a button or two of yours. It certainly slotted Dick into one of mine.
It certainly slotted Dick into one of mine.
Must! Resist! Because I am not twelve! Except apparently I am.
I totally lost the button metaphor, didn't I?
Freud may have had a point.
I often find lack of canon to be personally prohibitive. And on the flip side, too much canon acts the same way. (Hello, Batverse!)
Mmmm. This is something I haven't really thought about for all that I've been in popslash for two (!!) years now. It's pretty fascinating, but the best part about is the sheer line between original fiction and fanfiction. It's like--choose your own adventure, kinda. There's characters you will always come back to, but the story is different every time. And not just different in a Ray drinks whiskey and has sex with Fraser versus Ray gets on a motorcycle and has sex with Fraser--it's Justin has wings and slowly disappears into himself, and then Justin is a detective looking into the mysterious disappearance of one Nick Carter. And then Justin is struggling with depression as they're going through the Atlantis concert. And Chris and Lance fall in love even though they hate each other in Germany. And so forth, and so on. What Brenda said, basically; because even though there is a canon, and even though there is a sort of common denominator for characterisation, you can throw all that out the window and it will still be a valid portrayal of these characters.
Lotrips is different--if not in theory, than in nature, because the authors tend to stick to the canon they have and certain characterisations without moving too far out of that border. Though stuff like wingfic and genderbending is sort of making its way through there. It's a different set of writes, and a different feel to the fandom.
What Brenda said, basically; because even though there is a canon, and even though there is a sort of common denominator for characterisation, you can throw all that out the window and it will still be a valid portrayal of these characters.
Is the attraction of writing in popslash rather than just as original characters the community, then, or is there some sort of base characterization everyone works off of?
Quick Elseworld's question: is there one set in Ancient Egypt?
Because over Memorial Day Weekend when the kids were playing Batman Bowling -- two of the action figures used were Egyptian Batman and Egyptian Catwoman.
Is the attraction of writing in popslash rather than just as original characters the community, then, or is there some sort of base characterization everyone works off of?
Both. It's a chump answer, but it's true. There are certain things that everyone subscribes to: Justin loves his momma, Justin has a best friend named Trace, Justin likes tattoos. I would equate it to the stuff you read in Teen Beat, but it's not. It's more--stuff you pick up after watching someone for awhile. You sort of know someone, or think you do.
And then those things show up in stories like AU's or AR's--Trace would be Justin's assistant, or there would be a reason for Justin's cross tattoo. Or if you're working in canon, there would be a mention of Lance, I dunno, licking the cross tattoo. Or something.
With malleable characterisation, too, Justin might use the cross tattoo as a statement against something he'd always believed. Or the tattoo might not be there at all.
Erm, that might not answer your question.
Well, that kind of question's never really answerable. 'Sokay. Interesting anyway.
Minnow's put up the next one of her post-NFA snippets.