The Buffyverse never struck me as a place to introduce or assume any traditional vampire legends that Joss hadn't already dealt with. Insistence on doing so mostly made me think of "They're separate from humanity, and must carry the burden of immortality. They are creatures above us. Exalted."
'The Message'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
It's in Chicago, the weekend of August 13-15.
Yay! Yes, you should all come.
It's in Chicago, the weekend of August 13-15.
No shit? I'll be there then. Maybe I can go.
post cereal:
Question about Vividcon. Can you come and be a participating member, the 70$ thing, without actually having vidded? I'm not a vidder, but I do so enjoy them.
Can you come and be a participating member, the 70$ thing, without actually having vidded?
Yes, you can.
Can you come and be a participating member, the 70$ thing, without actually having vidded? I'm not a vidder, but I do so enjoy them.
I'm totally not a vidder. Non-vidders are very welcome, because what's the good of making vids without anyone to watch them?
I actually was asked to tell people that after last year, since everyone was worried that non-vidders would be afraid to come.
Now if I could just find a below-$200 fare to Chicago....
I really, really want to come next year.
Can someone rec me a good gen fic in the Buffyverse? One of the stories I was going to rec for crack_van this month has already been recced, and I'm kind of fumbling for another story. (It was Micole's "Truly and Forever.")