Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I like that her skin has follicles, and that he can shoot fire out of his eyes.
I like that her skin has follicles, and that he can shoot fire out of his eyes.
So long as he's not setting fire to her follicles. Oh wait, that's probably coming in two chapters or so.
I have a question for the ficly-inclined parts of the hivemind. I seem to recall a Smallville fanfic set in ancient Sparta. Lex was a Spartan and Clark was a Helot. Has anyone else read this? I mentioned it to a friend who was interested and I told her I'd send her the url. But now I can't find it and I'm starting to wonder if I just hallucinated it when I went through my latest classical phase. If anyone could point me toward this story I'd really appreciate it.
I think I've read something of the sort, Calli. Um... it may have been something at the Historical Clex challenge. Certainly, there are similar things there.
Thanks, Am-Chau! I'll check the link out when I get home.
Can anybody point me to a good screencaps site for Buffy? A friend was lamenting there wasn't a resource like for the show....
Hmm. The one I had bookmarked doesn't seem to be live anymore. Sorry.
Alanna has good quality screencaps for pretty much every episode from seasons 4-7 here. I haven't run across anything as comprehensive for the earlier seasons though.
Thank you so much, Vonnie. I put the link up in my LJ so that daughtershade will be able to see it.
Greek God writer apparently isn't happy unless she has two stories going at once. There's already six chapters of this new one, in which all of Gaugin's paintings will be destroyed unless they can find his heir.
In this story, Nikita refers to her stepfather thus:
She interrupted throwing a white rose into the grave and turning to hug her stepfather, “Paul you are my faddah now."
No, really, I swear to god. Over and over.
“Well by all means it is yours then. I am sorry you probably thought I stole the journal, my faddah must have put it away, I don’t even know where it is.” Nikita said and watching Madeline’s reaction of sheer terror added, “Oh don’t worry I can guarantee my faddah has it…”
“I am sorry for your loss Ms. Wirth, we are aware that your mother…” Madeline said.
“Yes, the day I returned from the museum she had an accident.” Nikita interrupted a bit distraught. “But… I am going to finance the search for Gauguin’s heirs. To tell you the truth my faddah this morning asked me to stop mourning and to get on with my life. I think this would be a very good project indeed, he will approve…”
“Bull shit, it will be dangerous and expensive, so what. I have the money, mine not my faddah’s and I have the need for dangerous… it is in my genes.”
and then Michael arrives:
Her body rolled from the red carpeted steps in a most ungracious fashion and she landed unceremoniously in the arms of a dark clad angel with the greenest eyes and the most delicious smile the young woman had ever seen. She was mortified beyond believe but thankfully the ruckus had gone unheard by the other guests, the angel had been bringing up the rear. He held her in a familiar way that made her nervous, but not uncomfortable, he smelled divinely and his strong arms made her feel safe and secure.
He made his accent thicker, his voice impossibly sultry as he answered her, “Michael Samuelle and you are?” By this time Christopher had finally come looking for them and unknowingly saved Nikita from a heart attach.
At which point I had a heart attach. Two more chapters to go.