Just thought I'd let you know, connie, that last night I dreamed about finding I'd been plagiarized. Mind you, I dreamed a lot of strange things (there was Michael Shanks, and the catchphrase "Celine Dion could sing the national anthem on the Today Show, and Neptune will still have flooded the streets of Athens on St. Cupid's day") but that part was clearly attributable to you. I just wanted to give proper acknowledgment.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
OK, I'm going to go with the dead flattered angle, then. I'm infiltrating people's dreams. "Sing Thee To Thy Rest" was put up on an awards site, and the webmaster only had the web address to go by, so she put Riani as the author's name. I politely pointed out the proper attribution and that more people might recognize the story with the correct name, and she emailed me back and saying, "One of those people would be me. I knew I'd read that before, but I couldn't remember the author."
This is damned weird, but neat. People three steps removed from me have heard of my stories. I guess I'd better rework the website to display my nom de plume.
"One of those people would be me. I knew I'd read that before, but I couldn't remember the author."
t blinks
Your story doesn't have your name on it? I mean, how on earth could someone misattribute a story?
Whoever submitted the story just submitted the address for the page the story's on, without giving an attribution, I guess. Easy enough to do, you say, "Read this!" and you send the link to someone. No biggie, I'll just put "by Two Ladies of Quality" on each page. Still, the page has a link to the main fic page, so it would be easy to investigate. I don't think whomever is running this particular award is very experienced.
Ah. See, every one of my stories has my name and email address on it, in the headers on the page. No way to miss it or forget it.
::shrugs:: comes from the days of posting stories to Usenet and just saving the .txt file to my website. I still have mostly just .txt files on my site.
This is a left field request, but are there any fics set in Washington that are not mostly about evil government conspiracies?
Signed, Fell Asleep Last Night Deciding Whether Connor Would Go to George Washington or Georgetown.
This is so much fun, I can't believe it.
Thanks for the link, Dana.
How sad is it that I know I'd pick Beckett/Calvecci over any of the realworld options? I mean, assuming Sam was re-stuck in time, and all.
shalott has offered up L.A. Confidential fic as her campaign plan, which I must say, convinced me right quick.
So, evidently there's a mystery Buffista who just posted a story to ds_flashfiction. Enquiring mind wants to know, who?!?