Took me forever to track down, because I kept not recognizing the name. Here it is. (And, yes, it really could have used a good beta. But I think it's tongue-in-cheek, myself.)
Mayor ,'Lies My Parents Told Me'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I actually kind of liked that one! Okay, yes, silly. Very silly. Extremely silly. But, I thought, self-consciously so. Hey, whatever, um, keeps your skirt down?
Hey, it's nice to have someone defend it, Emily. I wasn't quite sure how self-concious the sillyness was. But it was readable barring the occassional lapse into idiotic typos (which were what made me think "trying for serious". Of course, they could have been deliberate. I should give them the benefit of the doubt.)
(Oh, and I believe the "fear of projectors" bit is meant to refer to Daniel getting all lecture-with-powerpoint-presentation-y when he thinks too hard.)
I guessed it was something along those lines. I don't know the canon well enough to know how reasonable that fear is.
I thought that was the best part of the whole thing. Because, yeah, it would just be SO SILLY for a man to have a baby through his belly button (::coughlifefromtheashescough::) Let's be realistic and give him a C-section. I mean, that's what separates the wheat from the chaff in mpreg.
Yeah, Snacky, 'cos all the cool guys are getting pregnant and having C-sections these days. The fact that it's supposed to be an RPS story adds an extra edge to the stupidity of that, too. (Edit: For me. Your views of real person fic will almost certainly vary.)
One of the (many) things that bugged me about that fic was that the basic premise behind the fic (member of SG1 gets a sudden gender change due to [insert technobabble here]) could be hella interesting if the author took the time to think about the different ramifications of dealing with an unwanted gender change, or at least those ramifications that go beyond "insert tab A into slot B."
Anne, you didn't think Jack's problems with bras were hella interesting?
Let's be honest here, neither did I. And you're right-- there could be some very interesting issues to explore, but the story ignored them completely in favour of the whole pregnancy thing (which, on reflection, is terrible: Jack's a women, all women do is have children, so let's give Jack a kid). The part where the child was a Mary-Sue just caps the whole thing nicely.
There's a sequel to the immensely fun "Xander Has Kittens" that takes place during the Letterman Jacket fiasco. Xander interrupts Willow's "make him a girl" spell and it hits him instead. Xander and Spike are together, and Spike is finding the idea very intriguing, but Xander is having all sorts of problems with the weird hormones messing with his brain plus the suspicion that Spike might actually like him better this way. I'm probably describing it terribly, but I'm appreciating the attempt to address the repercussions of someone dealing with the totally different body chemistry and all.
I can see that could be fun. Any chance of a link, connie?
That's for the main page for Spurglie, the author of both kittens stories, if you haven't read the first one yet.
"drink this magic potion and the baby will be born from your belly-button"
Not gonna go there, with the "your bellybutton will expand enough to fit a human cranium out of it" visualization. Argh, too late.
Because the next logical step is, your bellybutton will be permanently changed in shape, and possibly you will need to put tampons in it. And at that point, all the men have run away quickly anyhow.
Hey, Katie, where's that Stargate story with the moose? I'm guessing it's either Otter or Salieri, but have no real idea where to find either of them. I mentioned it to Anna, so now I have to pony up a link.
Not Katie, but here's Elvis Has Left the Building, a.k.a. the Moosefic.
Thanks, Vonnie.
"I don't speak moose, Jack."
Bwah! I'd forgotten I read this.
*beams* The moose was my idea.
(I'm still somewhat alarmed by just how sexy the whole shoelace thing is. Who knew?)
Yeah, I used the whole shoelace thing as an example in a comment in Anna's LJ. The moose thing was incidental.