Suela! You smutted!
I haven't smutted in... ages.
I've gone fade to black in my old age.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Suela! You smutted!
I haven't smutted in... ages.
I've gone fade to black in my old age.
Well, this was all about the rage and mistrust turning into up-against-the-wall smut. Fading to black would have negated the impact, I think.
I feel like a need a shot of scotch, though. Haven't been that nervous about posting anything for a looong time.
(Yes, yes, Dana and Shrift and Plei can all mock me. I know.)
This isn't an occasion for mockery. It is an occasion for beer and celebration.
Someone just wrote me feedback and noted that they chose to bypass salutation because they didn't know my name. Oh, and said person also doesn't like slash.
So she read you? Duh.(I guess that is rude, but I stand by it.)
(I guess that is rude, but I stand by it.)
Heh. I have no idea how I'm going to respond. Maybe with a resounding, "Huh?"
Oh, this is one of those, "I don't like X, but I liked this!" feedbacks. Those are fun. On the one hand you're insulted they don't like your thing of choice, and on the other, hey! they liked you.
Okay, now I'm bouncey, because Rivka and Maayan liked my smut. ::squeee::
Consuela, where's it posted?
On the one hand you're insulted they don't like your thing of choice
Well, actually, I'm not. I don't care. Heh.
I'm mostly just puzzled. And amused that this person made the effort to read something s/he doesn't like and send me an email, but couldn't be bothered to look at the author name.
I've read pairings that I didn't normally go for and some content that didn't usually interest me because the stories were written by an author whose other work I really liked. But then that means I definitely knew the author's name.
Deena, it's an ongoing WIP I posted on my LJ. It's a Farscape story told as Casablanca. Or to be more precise, it's Casablanca retold with the Farscape characters and setting. And "Ilsa" just came to "Rick" to try to get the McGuffin from him...