Hey, did someone call my name? I mean, did someone say "post-col"?
Yeah, I got so used to the wealth of *great* post-col fanfic in The X-files fandom, I was quite befuddled at the lack thereof in the SG fandom when I first started reading SG fanfic. (I also see that Consuela has modestly left her name out of the good post-col fic list. The "Wartime" series for which she collaborated with Marasmus and Maria Nicole really sets the bar for the post-col genre, IMO.) Katie and I had a long-ish conversation about this on my LJ a while back if I recall; I think I argued that unlike TXF, SG-verse, despite its premise and the constant threat of global annihilation, had a fundamentally optimistic worldview which didn't foster bleak post-col scenarios. Or something like that.
I can't recall if I've read anything other than "In the Wrong Story" that fits the 'post-col' definition. Oh! Christine (cgb) had a couple, one of them a 2010-based dystophic AU with a Janet/Daniel pairing. And there's Jemina's White Dove, which both Katie and I had recced a few weeks ago. But other than that, I'm drawing a blank. Which is a pity.
NSM for the Jossiverse.
Yeah. I think it's the lack of a long-term, seasons-spanning enemy in the -verse. I *have* read a few good dystophic AU Buffyfic though, which is sort of the emotional equivalent to post-col fic in TXF. Most of Wishverse stories, Roseveare's Return, and Lise William's Ripcord come to mind.
I've got an idea for a sort-of post apocalyptic Buffyverse series, but as I have an inconvenient thing called a day job, I don't have time for it plus V!Giles and the Africa!Xander that wants to stick its head up.
Post-col scares me.
Heh. You *can* write a post-col fic that is not all about the bleak and the doom. (See Katie's story.) Although, most of the time when I read fic, I usually mumble to myself, "Man, where's all the despair and the death, huh?" Must have something to do with having cut my teeth on the XF fanfic. In the long-gone-but-not-forgotten XF fic rec site, Chronicles of X, there was a fair size section devoted exclusively to post-col fic. (And in XF, post-col is now almost-canon, ain't it?)
Oh, and if anyone cares, the first part of the new V!Giles series, Career Advancement, is up in the usual places (Shrift, ff.net) and my website
It's called, surprise, Reorganization.
In the long-gone-but-not-forgotten XF fic rec site, Chronicles of X, there was a fair size section devoted exclusively to post-col fic.
Yeah, Shari's a huge post-col junkie. Whenever a post-col thread pops up on the Haven, Shari reposts her list of best-ever post-col.
Post-col scares me.
And yet you've read it, cause you were kind enough to read Wartime. And I blush at Vonnie's kind recommendation (although I clung to the description of Wartime as "during-col" *g*). There still is one fat chunk in Wartime that needs to be finished, and then it'll be done. Blame the Casablanca crossover that took over my brain.
(And in XF, post-col is now almost-canon, ain't it?)
I'd say so. I mean, the series ended on "well, we lose, but at least we can cuddle now!"
Africa!Xander that wants to stick its head up.
I love post-col.
There's something about it that makes me very happy. (I don't read much X-Files, but every few months, I get the urge for something meaty and Files-like.)
That I love Buffyverse post-Apocalypse stuff, of course, pretty much goes without saying.
Post-apocalypse-- or just plain old dystrophic, like the Wishverse-- are my fic bread and butter, too.
That and sweetly fumbling first-times between gay adolescents.
And the Wartime series was great! There was obviously stuff I couldn't follow, not being very well versed with the show, but the stories were perfectly gorgeous.