I'm not on Silverlake, but as far as I know, it's exactly like Glass Onion. All you have to do is be on the mailing list.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Interesting, Dana. I used to be on the GO mailing list; I'll have to poke around both of those sits a bit more.
Glass Onion and Silverlake.
Huh. For some reason I didn't think that it was the "done" thing to post anime fic there.
If nothing else, I love reading the reviews of the people who just. don't. get. it. And the ones who say "Sequel!" for something that's obviously a stand alone.
Oh, yes. This amuses me greatly. I'm also a bit surprised that people thought the ending of "New Life, New Problems" was sad rather than darkly funny.
For some reason I didn't think that it was the "done" thing to post anime fic there.
I'm not sure I've seen anime posted on Glass Onion, but on the other hand, it's the only place I've seen Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil fic posted. Or Jurassic Park 3. And hey, looking through the archive reminds me that Viridian has posted Weis Kreuz there, which I know nothing about, but is anime, right?
Ah. That's good to know. Thanks, Dana!
I'm not on Silverlake, but as far as I know, it's exactly like Glass Onion.
I think the only difference is that Silverlake allows RPF, and Glass Onion does not.
Can anyone post to those archives? I always thought they were ... not exactly invitation-only, but more for name writers.
Huh. See, I'm not good with posting to archives where they have to approve your stuff first, because I am a neurotic freak, but I've never thought twice about posting to Silverlake and Glass Onion.
For some reason I didn't think that it was the "done" thing to post anime fic there.
There's a "done thing"? No, seriously -- heh, I'm all intrigued. I'm always intrigued by these kind of perceptions.
I mean, I mostly hear radio silence when I post to Glass Onion these days, but I don't think it means they're quietly telling me to go away.
Okay, now I wonder...
Huh. For some reason I didn't think that it was the "done" thing to post anime fic there.
Dude, I posted Kissinger there. IIRC, I've seen anime fic there before.
Which reminds me, I need to post my femslash fic tonight.
I, err, have been too lazy to upload things to GO lately. Don't know why.
I posted my LotR story there over a year ago and got one piece of feedback. Yes, I know, we're doing it for art's sake and shouldn't need the validation of readers to ...
t hack cough Gah, where did that come from? I hate these random demon possessings that make you say weird things.
My best FB has come from GO, back in the day.
Though really, I only post to a couple lists these days, being LJ's bitch and all. The feedback through email, she's a dying breed.
Hey, heads up. A.J. Hall just posted in the unfit for society recs journal, looking for "Tomb of the Unknowns", which she apparently wanted to rec to a friend of hers.