For those of us not up on our JL references (yes yes, I know, I'm a BAD comic book fan), who is the person the Fab 5 are going after?
'Time Bomb'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
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who is the person the Fab 5 are going after?
The Flash (aka Wally West). On the animated Justice League, he's voiced by Michael Rosenbaum, the same fella who plays Lex Luthor on Smallville. Some folks in fandom have decided the Flash would be perfect for SV's Chloe, and have written fic about it. (I don't think it's a bad call, m'self.) If I recall correctly, Happyminion -- who wrote the fic linked above -- has also written some of the better Flash/Chloe fic.
ETA: The Flash is a superhero known for being really, really fast. He's also the jokester of the Justice League and lately has been written as sharing tastes similar to those expressed by Michael Rosenbaum ("shaggin' wagon" style van, etc.).
Thank you, Calli!
"I want them to breed and have fabulous little babies that we can groom," Kyan gushed.
Should I be worried that I've said something very similar about some friends of mine?
Where did "fanwank" come from? Cause "Homicide" fandom had never heard it...they think I'm brilliant. Not that I don't love that, but, in this case the credit's not mine to claim. Cause I was all "My personal fanwank is..." And they're like "Cute. Can I quote you?"
Hey, erika, where do you think people get the reps for being brilliant? You're just transplanting cool stuff.
And, no, I don't know where it comes from.
Well, I said it'd been in fantasy fandom for ages...that's good enough, yeah? Cause I'm Attribution's Bitch.(And apparently quite the little never occurred to me they wouldn't have heard it. So I left you guys "eyefuck" and them "fanwank". Huh.)
I think fanwank has two meaning out in the real world -- one is to throw bones to the fans so they feel pleased with themselves, without actually contributing to the quality of the product (continuity nods that don't add to the story, but make you feel all cool for noticing), and then our usage.
Not to be confused with a fan wank, also spelt kerfuffle.