Ahh, of course. For some reason, I thought about the characters that started out bad and went to various shades of gray, but not the other way around. Well, except for Lex.
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Ahh, of course. For some reason, I thought about the characters that started out bad and went to various shades of gray, but not the other way around. Well, except for Lex.
Is the question really that complicated? It's the Bad Boy phenomenon.
Draco is only a bad boy, though. He belongs with Angelus, not with Spike.
And even Angelus is evil in an interesting way. Draco really belongs with Glory. But I understand why fic writers group him with Spike and Lex -- antagonists being attracted to each other is a great relationship to play with, and the futurefic avenue does open up more possibilities.
Does Faith get puppified in fic much? I've seen her written as a victim, but not as misunderstood and simply in need of a good cuddle.
Well, I've read fic in which Faith was poor abused/misunderstood lass and Buffy was a grade A bitch for giving her a hard time, but perhaps you mean good fanfic.
Well, I've read fic in which Faith was poor abused/misunderstood lass and Buffy was a grade A bitch for giving her a hard time, but perhaps you mean good fanfic.
The worst of those are the B/F ones, where B turns into some weird drunken cross between Spike, S1 BtVS Cordelia, Harmony, and something your cat threw up on the carpet.
Not that I'd read them obsessively for some sick reason or anything.
I have a ridiculous affection for Draco/Neville, and as you might imagine, it's rare like a rare thing. Curses.
But going to be marginally more common, because you're going to write some. Right?
Of the three Dracos I've written, one is nearly!canon, one is the fanon one much inspired by A.J. Hall, and the other isn't very interesting. And the nearly!canon one scares me.
The epic crazy crossover I've been writing with Raven (lj/M*A*S*H fandom friend) is finally finished, betaed (thanks, Deena!) and posted at my site (also to be found at ff.n, FictionAlley, and soon in Raven's fic lj, autumnalis). It's Harry Potter/Discworld, and contains a small amount of mpreg and a lot of jokes, if any of you are interested in that sort of thing.
But going to be marginally more common, because you're going to write some. Right?
Bugger. Yes. But I suspect my Draco is still going to be an obnoxious little git, and not very repentant.
I like Draco/Neville as well.
I suspect my Draco is still going to be an obnoxious little git, and not very repentant.
Good! I'm all in favour of at least some Dracos being un- or not very repentant.
(ETA: Askye, may I pimp some of my own fic at you? Everybody Wins is a twin universe twisted Draco/Neville story, which I'm not sure about but which I like enough to want more people to read it.)