I wonder how fandom_scruples handles what they consider explicit material written by the under-17 set? 'Cause I was writing hard R (which she or they claim to be cause for blacklisting) when I was 15. The only reason it wasn't online was because there was no internet to speak of then. It wasn't good smut. It was, in fact, cringingly bad Battlestar Galactica smut, and has long since gone the way of all paper. But I'd quite easily be writing cringingly bad HP smut if I was a 15 year old today. Would they blacklist me for allowing myself to see my own lj entries?
I've probably given this more thought than the fandom_scruples instigator(s).
I believe people are complaining to LJ, but I think LJ's position is that the people being harassed (i.e., those on the blacklist) need to make the complaint. Which I'm sure some of them will.
So I'm gonna do the fic commentary thing. Except ... I wanna do what I wanna do, not what people are asking for. Which is selfish of me.
Mother, Jintian broke me.
(BtVS S6 AU)
connie, that was my reaction, too. Especially since I have-- only quite recently-- written the Dreaded HP Darkfic and Smut for the first time.
I'm sort of hoping that in many years time, I'll be able to look back at fandom_scruples and say "ah, yes, well do I remember that. My first HP fandom scuffle, you know, my dears. They don't make them like that any more." Only, of course, nutcases will still be like that.
I signed up for an AtS challenge and have to write about a character I don't remember a lot about. I don't have the episodes dealing with the character (vague enough?). Does anyone know of a resource site dealing with individual character's timelines or significant events out there anywhere that's sorted by character rather than episode?
Deena, there are writer's guides for a lot of characters that include things like that. They're pretty easy to find through Google.
Most sites will likely be devoted to one or two characters, even the fringe people. It would help if you told us...oh, but it's a secret, because of the challenge? Well, you can e-mail me if you want, and I'll see what I can find.
Deena, ping me with the character, and I can tell you where to get more info.