Anyone remember that Tyr/Harper story? The really good, long one? Um. Lots of Nietzchean/Hum sex? And Nietzchean backstory.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Kit Mason, "The Recreation of the Warrior." It's up under Miscellaneous at PolyRecs.
Buffy fandom is weird. I did a little database maintenance this morning, and a bunch of people sent me e-mails screaming about the archive not working.
Really, dude, other archives go down for weeks! All I'm asking is for 20 frelling minutes! Go make some toast before I beat you about the head with my Darth Maul action figure!
Really, dude, other archives go down for weeks! All I'm asking is for 20 frelling minutes! Go make some toast before I beat you about the head with my Darth Maul action figure!
You should make this the page people see when you're futzing with it.
Blimey. They should fear the wrath of Shrift.
Tyr - he's the jaw-droppingly beautiful man - I mean, head turning, rugby-tackle-him-reflexively-upon-first-sight-and-start-humping-his- unsuspecting-self-like-a-bitch-in-heat-before-you've-realised-that-you're-in-the-middle-of-a-cocktail-party-and-nobody-has-even-introduced-you-to-him-yet level of Beautiful? Yeah? (Although I suppose in those circumstances one could always beg cultural differences, and claim that in the UK it's called a CockTail party for a reason, and whoops, you mean this isn't an orgy, how dreadfully embarrassing, ho ho ho, could somebody possibly pass me an h'ors deuvre? And oh, look over there, a juggling elephant! - at which point you drag the man into the nearest possible closet with muttered offers of no-strings blowjobbage and get him naked as fast as humanly possible). 'Cause I don't watch Andromeda, but I happened across it this pm whilst frantically vaccuming the cat to avoid essay writing, and sweet weeping mother of God, he could make me give up girls entirely.
I don't understand how they ever get anything done on that ship, actually, because surely everyone's first thought upon waking must be: "Hmm, consciousness. Must go get Tyr naked and have hot monkey sex." Or possibly: "Hmm. consciousness. must go get Tyr naked and have hot monkey sex, and then punch the captain for being an irritating git." But apparently other stuff happens too?
You should make this the page people see when you're futzing with it.
Hee. I'm very, very tempted.
See the problem with reading the best Harper/Tyr in the world, with a sidehelping of backstory that the show never bothers to give you and you will forever keep in your mind as canon, is that nothing else ever lives up to it. Because now I desperately hunger for addition Harper/Tyr, but am rather afraid of what I shall find if I were to venture out into the world of badic. Sigh.
The BBF last night was talking about this creepy little Halloween fic, Here Comes a Candle. I had a hard time falling asleep last night, so I started reading the fic around one-ish to pass the time. Big mistake. I was so thoroughly creeped out by the time I was done, I stayed awake until 3 AM cowering on the bed. I was, like, *whimpering* by the time I got to the end.
I've never heard of this author before, but she does an amazing job of rachetting up the tension. t shivers
SA--I'm with you. I want more Harper/Tyr and the only recs I can find, from sources I trust, are for Dylan/Harper or Dylan/Tyr or Dylan/Someone.
And I don't want to read about Dylan/anyone...I'd much rather read a nice Tyr/Haper story where Dylan is killed, Bekka takes over and someone remembers there is a Commonwealth.