Consela---I think the Farscape board did it because of the stupid lj community "Fandom scruples" which has a blacklist and a goldlist.
You nominate people for both. Black list for folks that write NC-17 and don't put warnings on them and who don't friendslock their journals when posting NC-17 fic.
To protect whatever innocent kids are out there that can't find smut in other ways.
I didn't have fanfiction when I was teenager and I could find more than enough sources for smut. Mostly at my public library.
I think the Farscape board did it because of the stupid lj community "Fandom scruples" which has a blacklist and a goldlist
Hmm. Frankly, I doubt it. That board is too insular to even be aware of the LJ community you're talking about. I think that one too many person complained to the mods about being forced to read icky sex scenes or icky violence scenes (back button? what back button), and the mods took action.
I checked again and it's mostly Harry Potter.
The fandom_scruples comm is all HP. It was inspired by a ranting against incest fic.
Hi askye! I saw you at f_w, being all good-pointy!
Made my first rec to BBF today. The only other time I've posted was un-seconding, or whatever they call it, someone's rec, so I've been feeling kind of bad about it.
I saw, and I was so proud. (*sniffs*)
Dude, peeps, we loves the recs. I, in particular, loves the unrecs/disagreements, because yo, discussion! Life's fuckin' blood!
Not, y'know, that I say much there. Oh, fuck. I need to remember to do my Ships Ahoy recs. I said I would. I'm the slackest of all possible mods there.
I just had to share some bad sex scene quotage:
He finds her clit by instinct or divine intervention or by some primal memory; proving once again, to both of them, that there is not and never will be, anything more right than this union.
Divine Intervention?!? I don't think it is THAT hard to find!
(Picturing somebody having sex with Divine) Ew.
WEll, erika, they'd be surprised when they went looking for the clit, I imagine.
Divine Intervention?!? I don't think it is THAT hard to find!
That's a little disturbing, actually.
God tapped him on the shoulder. "IT'S A LITTLE TO THE RIGHT."