"Everybody has a dark side. Even me." (/Pembleton)
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
I'll have you know, I'm working on TWO happy endings right now, missy.
Considering how "Sunrise" is going, I'm intrigued....
Considering how "Sunrise" is going, I'm intrigued....
But, but...
I know how it ends. You will note that it's been gradually getting less and less bleak.
Oooh! Are there puppies?
There are NO puppies.
Though, honest to Dog, I did consider them for the cliche fic.
I settled on something else, instead.
Gah. The biggest Farscape fic board has instituted mandatory disclaimers and strongly encourages specific warnings for sex, violence, and cruelty to puppies.
...okay, that last wasn't true. But someone has asked the mods to require advance warnings for slash. Sigh.
I can't even begin to have this discussion again. I just can't. So I'll just sit here and think evil thoughts about unlabelled character death fic.
So I'll just sit here and think evil thoughts about unlabelled character death fic.
'Cause, actually, you can do that sort of thing at Leviathan, and I won't care. (Liberal commie pinko archive! Muahahahaha!)
Personally, I'm kinda shocked that my latest John/D'Argo story got nominated at the Farscape fic awards this year. Also, it got nominated in the Romance category, which makes for a good boggling.
It did? Oh excellent! I didn't realize it was still eligible or I would have nominated it. I think that it's by far the best slash story in the fandom this year. But then I'm a sucker for your John/D'Argo, since it's always funny as shit.
It did?
Yeah, shocked the hell out of me, especially since I generally don't get nominated for these sort of things. Not that I mind -- frankly, most of my Farscape fic (that doesn't suck) is too weird to be easily categorized.
I'm a sucker for your John/D'Argo, since it's always funny as shit.
Well, thank you kindly! I wish I wrote more Farscape fic, but, uh. I don't know why I don't write more, actually. My brain isn't working today.
I'm reading through all of the nominations now. I think there's more variety than last year to temper the usual "Bzuh?" nominations. And I don't seem to be listed in the noms.
Heh. Figures.
And I don't seem to be listed in the noms.
Yeah, I got notified about a nomination that didn't show up on the list either. I think that means that they only got one nomination for it, and one isn't enough. Or something.
It's a much better system than last year: new people, new organization, much more transparent and understandable. I approve, inasmuch as I can approve of fic awards, which always come down to LCD popularity anyway.