connie, check into Bitches, please. Your sister is worried about you.
I've mentioned that I'm rereading the Harry Potter books, and that I'm a little dismayed by Draco in them. He's not anywhere near as full a character as I've seen in many fanfics.
So why have so many writers fixated on him, and did they invent his charm wholesale?
He's blond and evil. *shrug*
But in the books he's not so very evil. He's annoying.
Well, I think so too, but then I only very rarely attach to antagonists so I'm probably not the girl to ask.
I will attach to the oddest things in fiction (my big crush from Watership Down was BigWig, I don't wanna talk about it) and there are several Draco's in fanfic that I love. Just not the one in the books.
Elena, Deena is finding the bits of V!Giles posted so far to be flinchy because she's afraid of what happens next.
I cannot wait for them to get to the part with the thing in the thing where they do that thing.
Oh, yes, they will scream. With the thing.
As it is I compulsively reread the e-mails.
Which is good, because it keeps me motivated, because I want to see your reactions.