I'm bored. Anyone feel like discussing if you do or do not check your ref logs, and if you do, do you go seek out where you were linked to see what the heck was up?
I've discovered that TWoP gets a lot of clickthrough on links.
Also, that I appear to have been recced there. Again. Which means Hell is even colder than we thought.
I don't even know if I have ref logs, let alone how to check them. But I have googled my fic name to see if people are talking about me.
Go you, with the TWoP recs!
And I'm lame about checking referers -- probably might find something interesting there, but I'm low-enough traffic that I don't often bother.
Have never considered this...great, another neurotic gauge for my self-esteem...I'm sure I'm barely an antic gleam in fandom's eye.
I hadn't checked mine in a while, but I had a lot of clicks from TWoP, which, you know, made me blink.
TWoP's Bverse fic crowd is pretty BtVScentric, I'm more of an Angel writer, and there's a lot of Spike recs there. So, of course, ages ago, I decided that hell would freeze over the day I saw my name at TWoP (not my TWoP name, which I still lurk under, but my fic name).
(My TWoP name is delightful pretentious. I wish I had more cause to use it, but I hate being a newbie.)
Normally, I check BSM and Latitude, so I can advertise and stuff. Also, I get bored, and neurotic, and like to check when my virtual ears are burning. Oh, yeah. And I check to see if BAD Spiders have been at me.
I do check my ref links! And, dude, I had the weirdest one last month. Some art show site gave my fic site 100 referrals. I'm thinking that HAD to be a mistaken URL.
Hey, just in case y'all are interested, I have commited BTVS smut. [link]
Title: Love Bites. (yeah, i know, so original)
Pairing: B/S
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Bloodplay, bondage
I check mine. I get about 25-30 visitors a week, so it's not exciting, but I do find out some things I wouldn't otherwise know. For example, a couple of people did click through from post 6896 in this thread. And most of my visitors read from the links that appear on their lj friends lists.
I am so tired. I am so tired because I stayed up until 3am reading fanfiction.
The [spoiler pairing] scenes in the Houses of Healing in Return of the King is probably one of my favorite bits in the entire trilogy, and I was not satisfied with how the movie handled them. Altariel's A Game of Chess focuses not on those scenes but the subsequent marriage, and it's a really wonderful, quiet, sorrowful, moving portrait of two people struggling to understand each other. The language is very good -- quiet, dignified, a bit slow, as befits a Tolkien pastiche, but without the awkwardness or false grandeur that afflicts so much LOTR fanfic and so many bad epic fantasy novels.
For the Houses of Healing themselves, there's her The Fire Sermon, which is lovely but feels less complete.
Altraiel has a lot of other stories, mostly focusing on Faramir and Denethor and the Stewards of Gondor, here.
Then I read shalott's The World Turned Upside Down, a crack-addled Master & Commander AU. I have not read the books or seen the movie. I love this story. Jane Austen with genderfuck! It is the most delicious thing ever.
It's also the third [story spoiler] MPREG story I've read and liked. Clearly this is going to be my new favorite genre. I'd hang my head in shame, except, like, these are good.
I'd hang my head in shame, except, like, these are good.
t checks for pod people under Micole's bed