Er. So, say someone started randomly e-mailing me links to her stories, complete with header info, but nothing else to indicate exactly why she's e-mailing me.
I'm not in the fandom, I only lurk on some fic lists, and I have no idea who this person is.
I'm very confused. The only thing I can think is that she wants me to recommend her at Polyamorous, or something.
Hee. What fandom?
It's kind of nice being the one this doesn't happen to.
Magnificent Seven.
Go ahead and laugh some more. I know you want to.
Oh, there's no wild shrieking coming from this direction, no sir...
Oh. My.
I've been snerking about the fandom since Gwyn R made her latest post on writing this morning.
Poor you.
I'm puzzled. And bemused. And confused.
It's kind of nice being the one this doesn't happen to.
This makes me want to wage a campaign to prove once and for all that I'm just your sockpuppet.
You're not listed as a beta somewhere or something, are you, Shrift?
Not that I know of, Deena, and certainly not in that fandom.
Also, you may have noticed that the BFA is down. I suspect my webhost of instituting resource caps without notice. Am working on it.
I'm relieved that I wasn't the only one actually worried that Nikita's tailbone wasn't so vestigial.
I was going, "Tailfic? We've seen wingfic. Must be a new kink."
SA, have you read Wax Jism's H/D?