I've no clue what "belletristic" means. None.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
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None of us did either.
And she used it in a drabble. There's no excuse for using that word in a drabble.
From M-W (because I certainly didn't know):
a writer of belles lettres, literature that is an end in itself and not merely informative;
I think it relates to belles letres? Lessee --
Main Entry: bel·le·trist Pronunciation: bel-'le-trist Function: noun Etymology: belles lettres Date: 1816 : a writer of belles lettres - bel·le·tris·tic /"be-l&-'tris-tik/ adjective
So, yeah, I gather it means someone who writes pretty. (Or wrote pretty, in France, in 1816.)
Am-Chau, that skit sounds like an old Benny Hill thing I saw once, where a "feminist" lady teacher was replacing all the masculine words with feminine equivalents. It was a story about Sandy and Womandy, the second of whom was very intellilady.
Without checking a dictionary, I know belle lettres are sort of personal essays/criticism, so I'd guess it means something like "personal writings-like." It is kind of obscure and unnecessary for use in a drabble, however.
Edit: And x-post.
Funky. And I've got a good vocabulary...despite my preference for cursing and words like "funky". I don't get that confused that often.
She's got a cadre of adoring fans who apparently find this stuff arousing.
Please tell me you're joking.
Please tell me you're joking.
Honey, you know you can't make this shit up.
There are some...women in particular, that kind of get high offmetaphor for metaphors' sake...me age 15. And I would laugh at the golf course, but I wrote garbage dumpster love...so no soup or moral high ground for me.
Erika---the garbage dumpster love was cool and witty and well written.
This other chick just sounds like she's vomiting up a thesarus.