That's why in general my sex references tend to the oblique...
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Right. And on the rod bending and stretching front? FYI, your G-spot (if you have one) should be at about the midpoint of the vagina, i.e. reachable with your inserted fingers. So, unless Michael's dick is an inch long, or Nikita has a birth canal like the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel, there is no penile stretching needed!
Oh dear. Dana, is this the from the author I'm thinking of right now? And you should know who I'm thinking of right now, considering that we're the same person.
My, my, my. Those were certainly...something.
And Nikita, who was ‘orgasming’ repeatedly,
She was faking it?
Please tell me that these were written to be funny on purpose.
OK, there are many, many things I could say here, but I'll stick to one pet peeve, nothing specifically to do with The Sex:
desire reigned in
Sometimes I feel like the only person left who knows the difference between "reign" and "rein."
Dana, is this the from the author I'm thinking of right now?
You betcha. Nobody does it better.
Please tell me that these were written to be funny on purpose.
Nope. She's got a cadre of adoring fans who apparently find this stuff arousing.
desire reigned in
Well, see, there was this coup, and at the end of it desire came through and, like, totally reigned!
Nobody does it better.
I find this oddly reassuring, because I have a hard time imagining anyone else being so... terrifyingly imaginative.
Yeah, she's got a special gift. I think it involves judicious use of a thesaurus.
judicious use of a thesaurus
I was just about to suggest someone take her thesaurus away. Spade a spade, woman! Plus...
...she actually used the phrase, "heaving bosom."
I have no words.