Latest adventures in bad Nikita fic:
The beautiful blonde woman lay spent on the marital bed, her arms and legs wrapped burrito-like around the powerful body of the handsome man she called her husband.
Her slick interiors easily manipulated with the familiar stratagem of an old mathematician, achieving in her unique way the perfect equation a number of times.
Their faces reflected in the mirror were portraits of unequivocal rhapsody, ecstasy and total abandonment; this was a no-holes barred type of experience, literary and figuratively.
t thunks head on keyboard.
Oh, man. That's funny.
Her slick interiors easily manipulated with the familiar stratagem of an old mathematician, achieving in her unique way the perfect equation a number of times.
I find this kind of endearing, in an awful way. Except for the "slick interiors."
this was a no-holes barred type of experience, literary and figuratively.
There's no excuse for this, however.
I find this kind of endearing, in an awful way.
Want me to go back in the story and find the one with the baseball metaphor?
Well, if you want to, though I don't think baseball sex metaphor is going to have the nerdiness quotient I require for "endearingly bad."
Hmm. I may have to try and find something that matches the nerdiness quotient.
(Haven't seen Angel yet. Afeared of being spoiled. Clearly searching for something to occupy my time.)
Ah. Yeah, I've been there. Feel free to entertain yourself by looking up endearingly nerdy bad sex scenes for me, if it helps. (Gosh, aren't I a giver?)
Want me to go back in the story and find the one with the baseball metaphor?
"He threw his balls over her strike zone and slid into home."??