b) doing whatever you want, depending on what "whatever" is, comes with certain ramifications that you have to accept, which may include someone yelling at you, someone sending you a C&D, or someone showing your fic to a random and startled actor
(Parenthetically: I don't think showing fic to actors is OK, no matter the subject. Because the fic is never "Willow eats a sandwich and thinks about whether she should buy a red sweater" or, you know, something plotty and not too far from canon. It's chosen with the intent of shocking the actor; and that's just, you know, rude. Has there ever been a case in which the fan-made materials handed to the actor has been seriously *not* with a freak-you-out intention, barring that Firefly-vids CD which seemed to be just done out of amazing sheer naïveté?)
Your Cake Is Not My Cake. You Are Welcome to Think My Cake Has Crack in It.
Our Cakes May Coexist Peacefully, Provided That Neither of Us Forces the Other to Eat It, Too.
I'd COMM this whole cake bit if I weren't so dead-ass lazy.
Sheryl, "Peacekeeper" is a Buffy vid by sisabet, set to the Fleetwood Mac song of the same name. You can find it here.
That vid made me like "Chosen".
Kinda glad I didn't get in on this discussion, though I did want to note that, as a popslash writer,
They might as well have been original fictional characters as far as I was concerned.
this is very true for me about the people I write about.
Ah, it is the song I thought.
RL, Paul Gross actually did see some Fraser/RayV slash (at his request when talking to fans about fan reactions) before the third season, and laughed his ass off, by all accounts. And then the third season got slashier and slashier....
I am evil.
The idea of JM/DB slash makes pretty pictures appear in my head.
There's many places that will cater to that fantasy, connie.
RL, Paul Gross actually did see some Fraser/RayV slash (at his request when talking to fans about fan reactions) before the third season, and laughed his ass off, by all accounts.
Right! I'd forgotten about that one.
Still, it seems to me to be very much the exception.
It's pretty much accepted many of the Farscape cast and crew have read various amounts of fic, both slash, het, and gen. In fact they've approved a fic panel and a fic reading room at the con next weekend. Not everyone's all bent out of shape about it, although one hopes no one will be tacky enough to shove John/Scorpy slash in BB's face... Actually, what am I thinking? This is the guy who filmed that scene. John/Scorpy is very close to canon.
Anyway. Producers' responses vary hugely.
I only heard about it starting a few days ago -- if I'd known that it existed I would have ordered....
This is where I am, too. Is anyone making copies? I'd pay for shipping and materials.