Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Oddly enough, Joss Whedon is the one creator who has said he's on board with the idea of fanfic. In fact, he said that from the get-go he wanted Buffy to be the sort of show that fanfic was written about.
It's funny, but some of the most wildly creative people I know of (including Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett--who is rumored to have circulated Discword "fan"fic at one time or another) are actually pretty cool about fanfic. Oddly enough, it's the writers who seem most self-indulgent and/or have become parodies of themselves (Laurell Hamilton, Anne Rice, Anne McCaffrey) are the ones who raise a stink about fanfic.
Yes, I acknowledge that it's a personal boundary. For me, though, it's a moral boundary rather than a squick boundary; I believe that it's wrong to do this. (I also acknowledge that other people think it isn't wrong, and that there are different moral systems.)
Betsy speaks for me here. (And it really, deeply sickens me to think of anyone writing Sean Bean, or any other actor who by all accounts is a perfectly decent human being who happens to have a flair for playing villains, as abusive.)
But while it's a line for me, it is a somewhat fuzzy line. For example, one summer one of the skating groups amused themselves with an ongoing story involving various real skaters (led by Obi-Kwan Michelle) going through fantastical adventures to defeat an invented villain who was wreaking havoc in the skating world. I thought it was hilarious, but it was obviously over-the-top and there was nothing sexual and nothing dealing with the various rumors that flit around the skating world about who's gay and who's straight, who's a bitch, who has anorexia, etc.
And, I don't have any trouble with historical figures turning up in historical fiction, though I do think authors have a certain responsibility to be, if not necessarily respectful, honest and thoughtful when they do such a thing.
Getting away from the RPS thing... did anyone else buy the Vividcon DVDs? I got mine a couple of days ago, and I'm just utterly enthralled. The Buffyverse vids, I've mostly seen before from online sources, but watching them on your TV screen hooked up to a decent stereo, compared to watching them on a wee window on your computer are two different things.
I have never seriously wanted to write fanfic (I've tried my hands at it casually maybe once, that's it.) but these vids are really making me wish I had the skill and time and patience to learn how to vid.
I did, Vonnie, but they haven't arrived yet. (Grr.) I'm giving it a couple more days, then writing to let them know they never arrived.
I'm a little worried that they arrived over the weekend when I was gone and got stolen from in front of my door. Of course, I just had Fed Ex say I don't exist and refuse to deliver airplane tickets to me, so who knows...
I'm going to a VividCon party in a couple of weeks! Very excited.
Reema's CD arrived. She's busy taunting me for not ordering it.
did anyone else buy the Vividcon DVDs?
Well, yes, but then again, I was at VividCon, so...
Heh. Envy me.
did anyone else buy the Vividcon DVDs?
I did not even know they existed. Is there someplace I could order them from, or am I out of luck?
I have never seriously wanted to write fanfic (I've tried my hands at it casually maybe once, that's it.) but these vids are really making me wish I had the skill and time and patience to learn how to vid.
Yep yep yep. Plei and I had a long talk about it once; I confessed that all the fanfic urges I've had were some sort of songfics, and she told me that was because I'm actually a vidder at heart. She's right.
Well, yes, but then again, I was at VividCon, so...
Dude. I hate you.
t sends death glares
t realizes who self is glaring and hastenly lowers eyes in order to avoid ass-kicking
OK. Reading the con reports was almost like actually being there. Still, watching "Haunted" and "Uninvited" for the first time? Getting to see "Peacekeeper" on a big-ass projection screen? (uh, maybe it was a regular TV screen, but it would have been more envy-worthy if it was a projection screen, so in my imagination, it was.) Watching folks bursting out weeping during "Beautitudes"? Color me green. Maybe I should try to go to the one next year, wallflower tendencies be damned.
I'm a little worried that they arrived over the weekend when I was gone and got stolen from in front of my door.
I've ordered my H:LotS S3 DVDs and Farscape S2 set like, a month ago. Apparently, they were shipped almost 3 weeks ago from DeepDiscountDVDs (granted, via the cheap & slow free-delivery option) but have yet to arrive. I am really, really worried that they have been stolen, since the pacels which do not require signatures are usually just left on a big communal table on the lobby of my building. I should have stuck with amazon with their UPS packaging & tracking system, and just paid a little more. Damn.
Katie, if your set doesn't arrive & you can get yourself to someone who can copy DVDs, I'll be happy to lend you mine.
Thanks. I may take you up on that if it comes to it.
Beatitudes didn't do as much for me as I expected it to after the fantastic reviews it got, unfortunately. Her Xander and Willow character vids blew me away, though. Wow. (Er, not that they're on said DVD, because I assume they're not.)
Big screens do matter, don't they? One of my most fondly-remembered fannish experiences was Hush on the big screen at the TV museum (yeah, there's some long name for it that I'm not going to look up) in NYC. Of course, I was sitting next to a big Riley fan at the time, which added to the entertainment value. ("Wow. He's... big.")