Nutty, check your inbox, when you get a chance.
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Polyamorous Recommendations has been updated today.
Well, yes, we know it's been a few months...
In our defense, we bring you a copious amount of recs!
Gen! Het! Slash! In almost equal proportions! The apocalypse is clearly upon us, and shrift will stop using exclamation points now.
Something like 19 fandoms.
Something like 65 stories.
shrift would like to say for certain, but the sleep deprivation and cold pills have put her brain on the fribbitz.
Giles lost in mental thought?
Hm. On some mental thought, to say nothing of digestive thought and histological thought, I have to admit I have no idea what such a thing means. But yes, it's sometimes scary the things we revere in memory far more than they deserve.
Burrell, it's off to email I go.
New fic! New fic!
... although it's occasionally distressing to realize I'm *too* plugged into Farscape. PolyRecs never lists any Farscape stuff I haven't read, and frequently I've beta'd them... Heh.
Lots of goof Buffyfic I've never read, though. Make a note for lunch, and now off to work.
PolyRecs never lists any Farscape stuff I haven't read, and frequently I've beta'd them.
Well, you know, I don't really venture out of Leviathan territory these days. Frankly, I don't have the time it takes to navigate the scary and ugly paths of other archives and messageboards. I suppose I should, one of these days, even if it only causes me to run Eep! Eep! back to Leviathan for relief.
suppose I should, one of these days, even if it only causes me to run Eep! Eep! back to Leviathan for relief.
Wrod, Shrift. I'm not blaming you -- I do the same thing. ALL my recs come from Leviathan nowadays, because I assume any writer with half a brain has posted their fic to it. The BBQ sometimes has good recs but she has more tolerance for WIPs than I do, and the WIPs are usually posted at the Dom board and you can't pay me enough to go there.
bleargh. Can I go home now?
[link] I don't love JennyO, but this story made me vicariously unhappy, which is as good as it gets, sometimes; and it's B/W for PMM.
Well, not specifically written for PMM, unless I'm missing something. But that's why I'm posting about it.
Giggle! I sent her feedback this morning saying I'd bet even money that it would be pointed out to me by EOD. (the feedback that was mostly "SQUEEK!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!! SQUEEK!!!!") To the best of my knowledge, it weren't writ for me, but, y'know, might as well have been. Because, well.. B/W!!!!
I really liked. Mind, you know, I was one of the betas, but that doesn't always mean you really like, especially if you're betaing sort of out of the blue.