There seem to be alot of weird AU stories in The Sentinel fandom. The whole different times/different places thing. There was even one that followed canon storyline but Jim was a woman, maybe Blair too, I'm not sure because I never finished it.
'Dirty Girls'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Um....say a person WERE to start writing utterly unwanted X Files fic out of the blue, long after all the X Files fic writers had stopped writing X Files fic and moved to Farscape or Smallville or whatever...and say that person were stymied by her own scanty knowledge of the canon due to enthusiastic but very erratic viewing of the source material over the past nine years but still couldn't quash the impulse to write something anyway...and say that person wanted to post such a fic and get some assistance with making it not entirely sucky - would this be the place? Or somewhere else?
Can't Believe She's Suddenly Writing X Files Fic.
Gosh - you wouldn't mind? 'Cause I'd REALLY appreciate that. If that was addressed to me?
I'm quite stunned at my own gall, what with only having seen 2 1/2 episodes featuring Krycek. I'm afraid I may just be writing Lindsey, or have simply made up a Krycek character wholesale. But not, I'm happy to say, based upon stories about Krycek-as-unicorn, or indeed Krycek-as-Waterbaby-whose-best-friend-is-a-baby-whale (yes, there IS such a story over at The Basement, if its cover blurb is to be believed. Oddly I was not seduced by its little plot summary).
Yes, you!
X Files was my first post-Twin Peaks love.
indeed Krycek-as-Waterbaby-whose-best-friend-is-a-baby-whale (yes, there IS such a story over at The Basement, if its cover blurb is to be believed. Oddly I was not seduced by its little plot summary).Um do you have a link, because I HAVE to read this.
Then let me apologise UNRESERVEDLY if I'm botching it up. Because I do like The X Files an awful lot (er, although I happened across an episode last night that seemed to have been written by somebody on even more expensive crack than usual and featured The Brady Bunch) but I don't feel like I'm on stable fangeek ground. Whereas with AtS and BtVS I do, and with SV I feel pretty confident too. Um. Cool. I'll crack on, then. Thank you thank you thank you.
...we're probably talking not-entirely-consensual slash of a Skinner/Krycek nature. Would that be OK?
Dear God, Allison, are you sure? There's a jaw-dropping quantity of scary-sounding fic at The Basement. I only dipped into a couple of stories in search of Balconyfic to feed my craving and found four or five pieces of Balconyfic, only one of which was any good and that one didn't deal with what I wanted to address at all. But in the process of seeking aforementioned balconyfic I did read summaries for some extraordinary things. There really does seem to be an awful lot of freaky ass AU.
A Water Baby (2) is here for your reading pleasure, if you're serious. Let me quote from the beginning blurb, though:
Notes: In Water Baby 1, a sea change came over Alex Krycek until chance reunited him with his lovers and enemies. Who says you don't get a second, or even a third chance? Springer is a real baby whale, an orphan discovered in Puget Sound. She was ill and becoming accustomed to humans.
Oh, damn you. Now I've gone and dipped into it myself out of morbid curiosity. I think the writer has maybe read some Vonda McIntyre books. Um.
I am repressing the urge to make quips about Free Willy. (IS that title lewd in the US too? I always assumed it couldn't be, because surely they wouldn't intentionally market a kids' movie with such a title, especially with the catchphrase "how far would you go for a friend"...?)
...we're probably talking not-entirely-consensual slash of a Skinner/Krycek nature. Would that be OK?
Rat-boy had it coming. IJS.