PMM, Check our Roseveare and Doyle Investigations if you haven't. She's pretty good, and I've heard good stuff about DI although I haven't actually read any myself.
'Lies My Parents Told Me'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
RL, what's wrong with your Word?
Hmm? Just general reinstallage. I feel like I'm on a Windows computer, I've been reinstalling the system so much.
Are you one of them there ... Mac users?
You're in good company, Ms. Lizard.
(pats RL encouragingly on shoulder)
I don't talk to Word for Mac users.
Generally 'cause I don't know anything about Word for Mac. Anybody got Word for Windows questions, I'll give it a shot, even though in mid-October I go to taking billing questions for Charter Communications. But this is good, because I won't have to take any more fucking FrontPage "Why can't I see my web page" calls.
Err... could some one find me some Zim slash? (Invader)
I'm so happy that I have no idea what you're talking about. See? I'm not the biggest crackhead of them all.