I'm halfway through. I loves it.
'Heart Of Gold'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if there's any good Faith/Spike to be had?
Just to complete my fandomHo image - I'm falling in love with Blake's 7
It was that link to Servalan pictures I sent you, wasn't it Fay?
Susan, there's a particularly good Faith/Spike story called: Who You're Not.
Bookmarked. Thankee.
I can't believe I'm awake at this hour, but I just posted the new fic, Lovingkindness, and of course must tell the world.
I can't believe I'm awake at this hour, but I just posted the new fic, Lovingkindness, and of course must tell the world.
Oh, frabjous day! Calloo! Calay! Jack's back.
(Hec? Yep. But it's the double whammy of S and magnificently amoral Avon. Very "I wasn't thinking of you when you were here", our Avon. There must be some splendid fanfiction out there, if I ever get the chance to read it.)
Avon was the source of one of the first great "stars found out they've been slashed" kerfluffle in fandom as I recall. So, there's lots of slash (but probably back in the mimeo days - check to see if Herself has any in her stash), but the actor was pretty upset about it.
Avon was the source of one of the first great "stars found out they've been slashed" kerfluffle in fandom as I recall.
Really? I wondered if 'twere he. That's hilarious - he's unquestionably one of the most wonderfully omnisexual characters I've ever seen. Like Q, you get the distint impression that he would be snide and ruthless and nostril-flaringly Alpha male towards pretty much anyone with a pulse. Or indeed a big block of concrete. Which isn't to say that he'd have to be a top, mind you - that's a large part of his charm. He's all...ah, I could get carried away here. Ahem.
Still, I'm sorry he found it distressing. That's a real shame. I can understand someone being weirded out by it, but he's got his slashability setting permanently cranked up to the max, poor lamb. Ah well. (Incidentally, Hec, you may recall a long, long time ago that we had a rps discussion in which I was very self righteous? lest I forget to apologise, let me take this opportunity to point to my shiny hat of hypocricy. You were right.)
Got to love Blake's 7. In one of the tiny handful of episodes I've seen lately I was most pleased by the fact that Servelan and Tarran were trapped together on a hostile planet and evidently wound up having The Sex, and yet it was handled, dynamic-wise, in a way that I just can't imagine (modern? or US?) shows doing it. Love the female characters on B7 - they really are characters in their own right, as far as I can see, rather than the cyphers one generally got on STtos.
Also? Saw couple of eps of X Files t'other night. The COPS crossover was hilarious - I'd entirely forgotten about that episode and it made me want to hug GA and DD and everyone involved. But then it was followed by that Lara Croft episode, which was fun but inescapably also read like badfic, imho, and was riddled with needless distracting plot holes. Which, okay, it's The X Files and so the plausibility fairies are probably not going to be exactly in the building, but it could have still been a lot better. Sigh.
t OT
hit the wrong key and The Voice of Frodo just exclaimed breathily "I cannot do this alone!"...I may need to unTolkeinify my PC, actually, 'cause the sibilant whisper of "Mmmyyyy preccccioussssssssss" every time I shut the machine down is starting to scare me. On the other hand, Aragorn's "Are you frightened?" followed by Frodo's breathy little "Yes!" and Aragorn's "Not frightened enough" is...well, hot.
Can anyone else hear the sound of Mr Tolkein spinning in his grave?
t /OT
Still, I'm sorry he found it distressing.
To be fair, lots of fans of that era found slash distressing too. I think actors today grow up used to the idea and find it amusing/complimentary. The argument against slash was always "it's character rape" - or something similarly hysterical.
(Incidentally, Hec, you may recall a long, long time ago that we had a rps discussion in which I was very self righteous? lest I forget to apologise, let me take this opportunity to point to my shiny hat of hypocricy. You were right.)
I didn't think you were self-righteous. I thought you had well-articulated qualms about privacy and respecting the actor. However, I still stand in the corner of "subversive is more interesting" and "media images include fantasies about the performer sold as publicity." Once you step over the HoYay line you've already crossed the important line. Which is about you taking control (at least in your imagination) of the images you're being fed.
It all has to do with my epiphany while watching Fellini's 8 1/2. In that movie, Fellini mixes his personal history with memory with fiction with fantasy with the distancing character and all of them are projected on the same plane as equal within the film. What's the crit-speak? No image is more privileged than the other. It's also very J.G. Ballard - everything pouring out of your TV set and into your eyeballs is part of a media creation within which you exist. IRL it's a healthy sign of sanity that we can distinguish between the performer and the character. But the slipperier truth is that we experience both performer and character in the same media zone (unless you happen to know the performer personally).
Got to love Blake's 7. In one of the tiny handful of episodes I've seen lately I was most pleased by the fact that Servelan and Tarran were trapped together on a hostile planet and evidently wound up having The Sex, and yet it was handled, dynamic-wise, in a way that I just can't imagine (modern? or US?) shows doing it.
dash made the point that S6 Buffy/Spike also circled around unresolved ambiguities that was more like a European film than American TV.