Aha! Rebecca's going to post it somewhere for me in its entirety. Blessed be, and definitely cookies as thanks.
'Hell Bound'
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Yes, but generally not completed fic of that length. It's not a posting area, like a mailing list or an archive. It's a workshop thread, where you ask for beta or opinions on an idea or help working through a particular point in the story.
Umm. Yes we do.
The first 40 or so posts in Bitchy Fic are fic of that length.
Just sayin'.
Well, hell, because I went to Bitchy Fic and Steph to post it in segments and I did. been getting all sorts of conflicting advice. Sorry if the longness was a problem in Bitchy fic - I was just following a suggestion, truly.
I meant it. Because, like Plei said, fic of that length gets posted in Bitchy Fic all the time.
Sorry if the longness was a problem in Bitchy fic - I was just following a suggestion, truly.
Hell no. I've posted longer pieces than that, and so has Connie. And Herself. And, I think, Ple? It was long, but not a problem. And lovely!
Thankee. Just as long as I haven't broken any unwritten rules, or inconvenienced anyone, or pissed anyone off. I honestly wasn't trying to do that.
Not one bit, Deb.
(exhale of relief)
And me for cooking. There is a muchness of pasta and beans and sauasge and tomato and garlic to be done.
Mmmm. That sounds fabulous.
Writers support group dinner for tomorrow. I'm making enough for the usual Buffynight attendees to have some too, so killing two culinary duties with one large pot of food.
OK, this is cool.
Camille Bacon-Smith sent me feedback. Squeeee.