And therein we have pretty much the WHOLE motivation behind writing Absolution.
Turn the cliché on its head! Yes! I love stories that do that, and I'm glad you did it.
I mean, personally, I'm tempted to write a story where Lex and Clark somehow develop psychic bond-y powers, but without the OTT, OOC schmoopfest...
I mean, personally, I'm tempted to write a story where Lex and Clark somehow develop psychic bond-y powers, but without the OTT, OOC schmoopfest...
Ooooh! Yes, do it! Doitdoitdoit!
t /irritating kid
I'm tempted to write a story where Lex and Clark somehow develop psychic bond-y powers, but without the OTT, OOC schmoopfest...
Oooh! I'm so going to nag you about that this weekend. And the couch sex.
"Couch sex?" she says innocently. "Should I be looking over in the Smallville fic thread more often?"
"Should I be looking over in the Smallville fic thread more often?"
Um. Couch sex has something to do with a sprawling, fragmented, and fluffy bit of futurefic in desperate need of a plot overhaul that I've been not-very-diligently working on, and which has only been posted in snips and bits in my blog.
I've got handfuls of fun story ideas in various stages of progress, and yet absolutely no ambition.
It's distressing, really.
And of course, by nag, I mean "gently prod in a supportive an enthusiastic-about-charming-Clark/Lex-futurefic way."
My buddy grit kitty write a Jim-and-Blair-with-kid story called Another Mode of Belonging that addressed the difficulties of parenthood.
That was excellent, but it was one of those stories where you get into it so easily and so fast and you're just like, "More! There should be more!" like a toddler who ran out of Cheerios.
Mistress Lizard,
thank you
for pointing me to that Sam/Frodo story. I haven't sought out any Sam/Frodo, because I have a horror of the badfic and I'm not sure whether I think of their relationship slashily, really - but, damn, that was
God. I was v. choked.
It occurs to me that if John an Aeryn *did* manage to keep a sprog alive past infancy, it'd probably be raised in wartime, and Pilot would end up responsible for most of its upbringing because everyone else would have to spend their time alternately fighting and preventing major battles. And if our gang actually managed to *win* the war (and what are the odds of that) the kid would probably carry around as much emotional damage as both its parents combined.
Ooh. Fic bunny.