OK, I just got a weird bulk email from fanfic@5-x-5.org at my Yahoo account, subject line Password. It was one of those huge emails with no body text that generally means some sort of weird virus activity. Does that address look familiar to anyone?
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Yeah, that's someone who posts to the BFA. Tha Wrecka, I want to say, but I'm not sure.
It's probably one of those things that makes it look as though it's coming from her (whoever she is), but is just cloakedly from some spammer.
One of those darned Trojan viruses that hits her address book, maybe. It's kind of cool, though, to see whose address books I'm in. Rivka T has me in her address book.
Stupid duplicates!
OK, Plei, you've got me. Can you direct me to some good Wesley fic? Buffy or Lilah would be excellent. I read the stuff on your site last night - I think Impostors in this Country was my favorite.
Moohahaha! Another toaster is MINE!!!
I'll dig through my list of must-reads.
I'll dig through my list of must-reads.
I'd love to see some recs too (since I've now gone through all of yours)
Also, belated thanks for posting your LJ link.
I'm totally blanking on hetfics other than the usual suspects (Mer's Steps series and Jennifer-Oksana's fairly vast collected works) at the moment. Hmm.
Will hunt.
I've read Jennifer-Oksana's but I'm not sure I've read Mer's- is it on BFA?
This is really belated, since I already have, but is it okay if I call you Plei?
I'm usually a canon girl to the core, but I have this weird UC 'ship weakness when it comes to Wes/Faith. It's the torture, you see, and the wrongness of watcher/slayer vibe, and how they are both so messed up in different yet strangely similar ways. Plus, there's the hotness.
But mainly, it's due to Roseveare's Return. That fic's just....yowza.