Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Let's see. It goes something like this.
You people who like B/A are crazy.
No, you people who like B/S are crazy and are just smacking down the B/A people so much we're afraid to rec anything.
No, no, all you het people are crazy and like to smack down slash.
But slash is icky! And non-canonical.
Way more canonical than your crap het recs.
Well, I've got the right to say if I don't like something.
Not unless you have a good reason.
Who decides what's a good reason?
I do. Shut up.
And then the moderators come in and complain because someone, yet again, has forgotten spoiler space.
And yet I keep reading.
Dana, bless you!
That discussion has just been making my head explode, and dammit, do you know how hard brains are to clean off a brick wall?
The moderators only care about spoiler space?
The moderators only care about spoiler space?
Oh, no, not only. The moderators are generally sane people, and boy, would I not take that job for anything, because within 24 hours I'd put the whole list on moderated and only let through posts I agreed with.
The spoiler rules on the list are more strict than other places, and people have a very hard time remembering it.
The one that Plei dubbed "It's Shipper War Time Yet Again in BBF-Land."
Ah. That one. The one right there in front of me with "Look, Fay, I'm the discussion in question" written all over it in neon, you mean? Damn, I can be a silly cow. Reading too quickly and carelessly. My bad.
I guess I'm just saying, don't knock the ooh-pretty response. Because sometimes it brings good things.
SA, I can understand why you're saying this. But I didn't say it was always a bad thing, I said that having that impulse as a springboard for fic
and not giving a damn about good characterisation
was a bad thing, and that imho the pretty isn't enough to make a pairing sexy. Anything can be a springboard for good writing.
Moreover, this disclaimer was an aside - the main thrust of my post having been pro-unconventional pairings, for the obvious reason that I write them. Including crossovers in which the inspiration is at least partially, if not wholly, one of "Oooh pretty."
And I seem to be in a very arsey frame of mind. Sorry. Backing off now.
Nah. I know what you mean. Are you working on any right now? I know there's the Dracofic that Ate Your Brain.
Fay, don't be a goose, no one is (ever) annoyed at you.
Bwah! Oh, Rebecca, Rebecca, fairest of reptiles, how thoroughly charming you are. Not to mention forgiving! For I am indeed in Arsey!Fay mode at present.
Re: ficwriting - I'm tempted by Dru/Willow, although I'm not quite sure when to set it, or if it'll happen. But I've written a little Dru-ish snippet to get into that frame of mind, and it's over in Bitchy fic. I've also got a tiny little Wolverine ficlet, of all random things, which I'm poking cautiously with a stick.
was unexpected, I can tell you. My muse is clearly on crack.
I'm tempted by Dru/Willow
I knnnnow. I feel very happy. As that's my shiny new insane OTP, you know.
When I tried to write Dru, I found her voice difficult.Hard to get a handle on, because while she's insane, she does pay attention to things that are going on, and that's not very relevant, is it?
but Willow/Dru written by agood writer could be good.