Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
All of the original stuff I've ever seen at (or nearly any other public online original-stuff archive) has sucked like an industrial-strength Hoover, but I haven't spent that much time trolling it, so I could have just missed the good stuff.
You've probably read mine. Which is to say, it's much the same standard as fanfic. ie, tends to suck.
How does Silverlake compare to GO, other than the inclusion of RPF?
There's quite a variety, and I think Silverlake has more traffic -- although the stories are mostly short. Very short.
The RPF isn't overwhelming. I'd say RPF accounts for 20% or less (often less) of posted stories.
As an example, last week, the fandoms broke down to: Alias, Angel, Buffy, Chicago, due South, Harry Potter, LotR, Ringu, Smallville, Velvet Goldmine, Voyager, popslash, actorfic, and historical/political satire.
Question: How does Silverlake compare to GO, other than the inclusion of RPF? I've been resisting temptation to join Silverlake, mainly for time issues (and my indifference to RPF), but I hear there are some exellent stories posted there. I probably won't want to join if half the stories coming through there are popslash, but if there's good variety, I may take the plunge.
About 75% show/movie/comic stuff, and about 25% or so various RPF, not all of it popslash. (There's a fair amount of political stuff, too.)
Lots of weird/small/obscure fandoms. Gangs of New York, oddly, seems to be going like gangbusters there.
Feedback Fridays (which I love), light on meta, heavy on fic, lots of good stuff there.
It's my List of Choice. Have you checked out the archives?
Hmmm. Thanks. Variety is a definite plus. If the traffic is heavy, I may go on Digest, but it sounds like a list worth joining.
I've seen the occasional fic from the archive, since BSO folks sometimes link to it. I haven't checked out the archive myself. It doesn't sound like there's a lot of overlap with GO.
There is some overlap with GO, I know that occasionally I'll find that my yahoo inbox will be HUGE and that's because someone has posted a multipart story to both GO and Silverlake.
I'm seriously dancing over the question of joining Silverlake. Let me just make good grades on these midterms.
something I'd meant to post before:
It's kind of typo-a-licious. But, goddamn, read it, if only for the chance to hear Ron doing Eminem.
Eminem doing Eminem.
I post to both, I know Plei posts to both... There's some doubling, but not a lot. More as people realize how good SL actually is. It's a great list. lookit me pimp.
Oh, and someone on GO recc'd this cute Stargate fic yesterday, which I loved. It made me burst out into laughter several times.
I can count the number of times I actually found humor fanfic funny on one hand, so this one stuck with me: Ketchup. It's the absolutely deadpan tone right through to the end that wins me over despite myself. By the time they get to "Never mind, Daniel. It died nobly" I'm giggling helplessly, even now, and I've read the thing more than once. And you know, I'm going to go send the author a piece of feedback *right now* and say that.
Also, I don't know how long this has been around, I haven't read it yet, and I've done a certain amount of skipping this month so it's entirely possible it's already been mentioned here. I'm going to mention it anyway. A Stich in Time, AtS, Yahtzee and Rheanna.
Katie, did you read the fic Dana's tag is from? It's a Krycek one, and is the funniest fic I've ever read.`