So I just actually read all of "A Stitch In Time," which is, wow, quite long, and insanely intricate; I didn't think there was any way it was all gonna get wrapped up in the end, but it was.
I will admit to a pre-existing fondness for time-travel stories, but I really liked this a lot -- thanks, Dana, for the pointer.
A must-read for all writers or would be writers, or whatever.
I know I err on the side of less description, and some of you on the side of more. Hints on the happy medium, among others.
Interesting, Plei. I'm a very dialogue-dependent writer, which surprised me to discover. I'm not much of a social beast in real life, so it's a bit of a shock that the imaginary people in my head are so fluent.
Though, when I finish the thing, I'm going to get more critical readers than I have in my current writing group. Most of them do very little dialogue, and are therefore impressed by the mere existence of a scene that's one long conversation. I'm not at all sure I'm doing as well as I want to on giving the major characters distinct voices.
The next project I plan to tackle is much more action-driven, which should be a good learning experience if nothing else.
Action scenes hard.
t /Barbie
Yet another new site.
Yes, it still needs debugging. I whipped it up in a couple of hours because someone needed it.
Anyone feels like volunteering for betahood (not for the site, I can test it myself--I need beta readers), I'll love you forever.
Yeah! McCoy! Damn straight. Or not.
Yeah! Spock/McCoy. Oh, yeah.
I can beta, Plei.
Plei, I'll beta. I've never done it before though -- so I might, y'know, suck.
Now that I'm more awake, I should specify, I'm looking for beta readers for the resource, because I'm start raving mad determined that I want to submit this as an official guild zone as soon as I meet the requirements.
I don't know what that would entail, Plei, but I'll be happy to chip in my $0.02 if you think I'd be useful.
I don't know if I can do good beta, I'm really not very good at taking a scalpel to "finished" work. I really love helping people flesh out plots and character motivations and help with logical flow. Pre-beta? Or is that alpha?