My remixee wrote my all-time favorite short Smallville piece. I was going to do that, and then I thought, why? So I'm picking something else. Like I said, our styles are very different, and I'm torn between doing something that's more typically me, or doing something a bit more stylistically experimental, just because I can...
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
Micole! I never see you any more.
Me, I'm just bad with deadlines. Also bad with stringent guidelines. I prefer things like title challenges, or first line challenges. Gives me wiggle room.
Oh, yeah, and there's the insanity thing. Not to mention the lack of free time thing. And the five stories I'd rather be finishing thing.
See, shrift and I really do share a brain. It's not just talk.
Now I'm dying to know who everyone's mixee is. I'm nosy that way.
I signed up. Got my remixee today. Never heard of her (I assume her). I can't get into to check her stories. Will try again later.
I am currently kicking myself in the ass for doing this. I love my stories. I'm proud of them. I worry that another writer might mess with my universe. Or, worse, improve it.
I know some people around here signed up for it. Elena? Kristen? Lizard?
I have read the list of partcipants, and I think I can guess.
Where's this?
Might I hasten to add that I admire people who have enough confidence in their abilities to sign up for the remix challenge?
Nah. I just like challenges. They're all I've been writing lately.
Where's this?
At the site with the challenge, there's a list.
Um. Where's the site? (pinged you on aim, btw. home yet?)
Not for another 40-60.
Umm. There's a link in Fic.
I know some people around here signed up for it. Elena? Kristen? Lizard?
I would have loved to. Unfortunately, I haven't written enough stories to qualify.
You know, can I just say? Seeing as my prose is nothing but shit any more, I really wish there were a viable, exciting, brilliant, world of fan poetry comparable to ficdom. I could do so well....
t /mememe
Umm. There's a link in Fic.
Found it.
Dude, chick never posted our StS, did she?