I have such an intense love-hate relationship with my writing that I think it's best no one try to come between us.
By which I mean I'm too flipping neurotic, don't think I have anything to contribute, and don't have time to participate even if my neuroses released the strangle-hold on my ego long enough for me to sign up.
And besides, I've got about 25 stories in progress, and I consider it more of a priority to get those off my hard drive.
By which I mean I'm too flipping neurotic, don't think I have anything to contribute, and don't have time to participate even if my neuroses released the strangle-hold on my ego long enough for me to sign up.
t opens hatch into brain
Shrift? What are you doing here?
I ran out of fingers counting the BNFs.
Might I hasten to add that I admire people who have enough confidence in their abilities to sign up for the remix challenge?
I'd like to be able to do that. My feet are clay.
Big Name Fan, Small Name Fan. BNF is in common usage in fandom these days.
Gotcha. I've heard the terms, but the acronyms stumpted me.
My voice is saying, "What if they make it worse? What if they make it--better?" My self-confidence is in a fairly decent balance at the moment, but someone taking a story I like and then showing me all the errors--well, I always sympathized with Salieri in
when Mozart takes the piece of music Salieri is so proud of, hacks it apart, then riffs off it.
Might I hasten to add that I admire people who have enough confidence in their abilities to sign up for the remix challenge?
It's called being crazy. I have no confidence in my hack-like self. In fact, I'm scared stiff.
I signed up because my ego was very curious to see what someone else would do with my story.
I do not think I can live up to the wackiness of my remixee. Hmm. Must pick story.