Snerk! I wonder how Ray K. and Fraser would rate under that system (the hair itself wouldn't work, given the gravity defiance and immobility of their respective coifs).
Fan Fiction: Writers, Readers, and Enablers
This thread is for fanfic recs, links, and discussion, but not for actual posting of fanfic.
So, is anyone else here doing the Remix challenge? I'm both intimidated and psyched by it.
The mere concept gives me hives, which probably proves that I'm too territorial and insecure.
What's hivey -- the idea of rewriting someone else's story, or the idea of someone rewriting you, or both?
I didn't even get to the part about rewriting someone else's. I had a Gollum-like reaction of "MY STORRRRYY! MY PRECIOUSSSS!"
I know some people around here signed up for it. Elena? Kristen? Lizard?
I would like to sign up for it, but a) my main story is unfinished, b) I only have one non-anime story, and c) I simply don't have the time. It sounds fascinating, however. I look forward to reading some of the before/afters.
I am Dana. "No! Every word is sacred, it was dictated to me by the Universe Itself from the Scroll of Cosmic Understanding!"
Wow, Connie. I don't think I could write at all if I felt that way -- too much pressure for it to be perfect. I look at a lot of my stuff and think, well, the pacing here's for crap, and I shouldn't have shortened that sentence because it blunts the impact of the ending, and geez, nobody got that Lex was mindgaming Clark in the big confrontation scene, wonder how I could've made that clearer and still kept it limited-3rd-person POV. So I'm really interested to see what someone else makes of the same material, since I know they'll screw it up in different ways. And my story will still be there, after all.
Besides, if the person who ends up remixing me is as stylistically different from me as my remixee is, I don't think I'll have to worry about "she did this better than I could!" because what she'll do will be so different from what I would've done.
Still, it's daunting, I must say.
I'd love someone to rewrite a story of mine.
I'd be way too embarassed to touch someone else's.